War Is Coming Communications.

May 28th, 2012

May 28th, 2012

mental link to the doctors

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Has a




[General sensation of panic and fear. Eleven being most connected? Pain. Lots of pain.]

Filtered Against Evil

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Just a friendly reminder that people here don't have to be what they were. Or what they could become back in their world. So quit being so damned judgmental. That's not what this place is about.

[Filtered to Jim]

There's a guy here who thinks I'm someone from his world. Facetwin things are weird. Which makes me wonder who has your fa Anyway, do me a favor, don't kill him. He amuses me.


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Closing ceremonies will be on the 31st. They actually have to have a tie breaking match on Wednesday as the score is 6-6.

Are you doing well?

no lucifers

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smethgns hapening
theres lfie in things th at shoouldnt and somneones laugnnhg anddt somnenges hhurtng

im tryng to semore but its realy
it isntn very cler yet

brb boze/?

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Loki

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Since people seem to making it an issue, I'll lay it out for the people here.

Natasha and I come from after that Avengers movie, like a day or two after when Thor took Loki to Asgard. Meaning that yes, the Loki here isn't the one we know. But that doesn't change that the Loki we know use to be this Loki. So we're going to be wary. We're going to be untrusting of him. If you've seen that movie, you'll know why. And yes, we get that the Loki here isn't the Loki we know. It's going to take time though. But we're trying to give him a chance, alright? But it won't be easy on our part. Trust can't just be given.

So if you want to whine and moan at how unfair it is for us to not trust him straight aways, go right ahead. It's not going to change our opinion on the matter. Us trusting Loki is going to have to be earned.

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[Filtered to Clark Dick Dean Bruce]
Hey, do you think maybe you can find somebody to put this bitch on a leash? Obviously I don't mean Emma.

She's getting a little stalkeriffic at this point and people like you more than they like me. She threatened the boys. To be fair, I got mouthy at Ares or whatever but threaten me, then, not my fucking kids. And I wish she'd quit following me around, now, what a fucking creeper.

[ooc: added in a few minutes later]

I know you said you're not doing the side jobs anymore, but...can you like give me a rundown of all the security you did put up at my house? I can't really remember all of it but...I kinda need to.

So...you know that charm you guys have to hide stuff from Muggles? How discriminatory can that spell be, hypothetically?

Filtered from Evil.

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I actually managed to finish reading a book at the beach today.

Back to work now.

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So, I've had a few days to think this over...still not sure I believe all this seal business. I am sure that I need some pain killers, though. So, if someone can point me in the direction of some Vicodin, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Filtered against Lucifer & Moriarty.

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Yes, there are plastic mannequins roaming the streets. No, you can not feed them. They're very, very bad and very, very dangerous and they will do unfortunate things to you if you try.

You can call them Autons. Or Fred, I suppose, but I imagine that would be a terribly informal approach for something that's trying to kill you.

Anti-Lucifer, Anti-Mannequins (?)

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Okay a couple questions here:

a) Did someone forget to tell me we were having a weird thing where instead of Memorial Day we're celebrating Creep-ass Mannequins That Walk day?

No okay, I'm sorry, I can't remember my other questions because what the actual hell?

Filtered from Lucifer and Evil

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Okay, now I've seen everything.

What the hell is going on?

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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Okay, so has anyone else noticed plastic people wandering around and possibly shooting people?

Filtered Away from Lucifer and Evil

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Roaming plastic mannequins? Now I HAVE seen everything.
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