War Is Coming Communications.

January 8th, 2012

War Is Coming Communications.


January 8th, 2012

Anti Evil I Guess

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Being back on the job is good, new town or not. I can deal with that part. Thanks a lot, Abby, I appreciate it.

Embezzlers aren't my favorites, but I'll take what I can get. Actually kind of looking forward to it. Bringing people to justice the right way is empowering.

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[OOC: A small box with a letter is left outside the Sergievsky's door. The letter reads as follows:


Thank you for the talk. Even though we just met, I am glad to have met you. I have included a few things for you and your family. The origami figures are cranes, symbolizing longevity and good fortune. There is one for you, your husband and each of your daughters. The smaller strip of paper with Japanese kanji on it is an ofuda. It is a Shinto talisman offering protection from evil. I know this complex has its own protections, but one can never be too protected. If you wish to use it, it is traditionally hung on a door or doorframe. The larger piece of paper with Japanese kanji is for you. The kanji character on top is "Respect" and the one on the bottom is "Courage." I would like to better get to know you as time progresses.

-Rei レイ

Rei signed her name twice. Once using the romanized version and the other using the katakana for her name. Why that detail had to be added IDEK, but it is what it is. Pretend this didn't originally say kanji. I was half asleep at the time I posted this. >_> Thank you Lexi for the correction.]

Filtered to Eleven and River

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Guys, Rory's here. I'm taking him to the TARDIS, so I thought you'd want to know. Especially you, River. He knows Amy's not here, he's taking the whole thing fairly well, considering.
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