War Is Coming Communications.

June 26th, 2009

June 26th, 2009

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Bobby I swear....
Never, ever, EVER owe him anything ever again, worst idea ever....
Make sure they don't kill each other, sure, because I have so much influence over what either one of them does....
I hate my life, God do I ever hate my life....
So not worth a new truck, not even close....
Does he ever stop to think that maybe I like being antisocial....

So... stranding people in Kansas.... that's cruel, even for demons.

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I'd like a word with whoever is causing me to be where I'm not supposed to be. They need to send me and Andrew back. Now.

Wishful thinking aside. Hi, I'm Buffy. New in town. What's up with the demons? And is this some sort of online forum for the weird and crazy for those of us who are stuck? Andrew, we should have one of these at home. Why don't we have one of these? With passwords and such.
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