War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


November 22nd, 2014

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WHO: Lagertha and Zane Donovan
WHEN: After this conversation
WHERE: Lawrence streets
WHAT: Zane wants to be rescued
STATUS: In progress

Does this make you a fair maiden in distress? )

September 13th, 2014

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Who: Grantaire and Open or works as a narrative
When: Early evening, after he and Enjy discussed feeeeels
Where: Outside. Out of the inn. Because dnw
What: Idek he does this to me with the feels right now and demands it be written. Carry on

Look who's digging their own grave )

July 16th, 2014

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Who: Lagertha and Grantaire
Where: Bed of roses
What: Granting Lagertha's request to share drinks (I almost made a pun)
When: In the evening time

It had been his intent to be here anyway )

June 29th, 2014

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Who: Lagertha and Elijah
When: Backdated to Lagertha's arrival
Where: The Mikaelson's house
What: Elijah introduces Lagertha to the luxuries of modern living
Warnings: None so far
Status: In progress

This is your house? )

June 22nd, 2014

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Who: Lagertha and Open
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Near the graveyard
What: Lagertha's arrival
Warnings: TBD
Status: In progress

Lagertha had to concede; she was well and truly lost. )
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