War Is Coming RPG.

December 5th, 2012

December 5th, 2012

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Who: Peter Vincent, Andrew Wells
What: Peter grieves and wanders, and Andrew makes his return.
Where: The streets, and then, Taco Bell. WHERE IT ALL BEGAN. :D
When: Monday after this until Tuesday at nearly midnight, December 4th 2012
Warnings: Foul language, blood, violence, mentions of character death, boys kissing, and ALL THE ANGST EVER
Status: Closed, In progress

Please let me know that my one bad day will end./ I will go down as your lover, your friend./ Give me your lips, and with one kiss, we begin. )

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Who:Demon!Booth and mentions of Crowley! *narrative*
What:Getting rid of a pesky demon problem.
Where:the cave of myth and wonderSome place in Kansas.
Warnings:VIOLENCEEEEE. and sass. On crowley's end.

Placeholder until tomorrow!

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Who: Guy and Rose
What: Rose is looking for comfort as the dust settles from battle
When: Late Tuesday/Early Wednesday...after the fighting dies down but before Martha returns, basically
Where: Greaves House, Guy's flat
Warnings: We'll say PG-13 for adult situations!

I am shaking like a leaf when you move beside me, and you're all that I see, but it's no good for me )

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Who: Loki (narrative)
What: Power return
When: Sleepingly late last night/early this morning.
Where: Medlab, where he's camping out until Darcy is cool to go home.
>Rating: We'll see.

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Who: River Song, Jack Harkness, Metacrisis!Ten, Rory and ANYONE ELSE that wants to be present for River's regeneration that I might have forgotten! (Also if your character was in the medbay and conscious, they'd probably have also been witness to the sudden burst of yellow glowy regeneration light and a new River emerging.)
What: River and Jack are being their BAMFy selves in trying to help lessen the numbers of things attacking the complex, but things go horribly wrong.
When: BACKDATED to right around the time magic/powers/wishes were returned.
Where: Beginning in an alley somewhere in the city somewhat close to the complex, and ending in the complex medbay
Warnings: Mauling by a hellhound so there will be blood. A lot of blood. And regeneration instead of character death because hey look, powers were returned!

PLEASE NOTE: It may take a couple tags before River is actually in the medbay as Briege and I didn't quite get that far in the gdoc. But once they are in the medbay, people can start responding with reactions to a bleeding-out!River who's glowing.

'Cause your soul is on fire / A shot in the dark / What did they aim for when they missed your heart? )
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