War Is Coming RPG.

June 4th, 2012

June 4th, 2012

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Who: Katniss and Primrose Everdeen
When: Afternoon/early evening
Where: Katniss and Prim's apartment
What: Little sister taking elder but clearly not wiser sister to task for the whole forgetting to sleep thing
Status: In progress

Think of how to put one foot in front of the other until it becomes easy. )

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Who: River and Simon Tam (references to Felicia.)
What: Dealing with a traumatized sister while being held captive.
When: 4 June 2012, time of day is irrelevant
Where: Abandoned laboratory in Lawrence
Warnings: Severely traumatized 17 year old girl suffering PTSD. Disturbed thoughts. Potential language
Status: Thread/Incomplete

Wouldn't they stop when you asked them to leave you alone? )

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Who: Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, vague mention of rescuers (assumed Isabela, Jamie, and unnamed others), Jenny, and Doreah
When: Tonight, sometime before the sun goes down
Where: Cemetery/crypt where the kidnapped are/complex
What: Rescue! Aaaaangst.
Status: Complete
Warnings: Excessive length.
Tl;dr: It is assumed they all take a van home instead of walking okay? OKAY.

omg Peeta wtf get out of that crypt )
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