War Is Coming RPG.

October 13th, 2011

October 13th, 2011

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Who: Sif and YOU?
What: Exploring Earth!
When: Tonigt
Where: Outside of a local Lawrence coffee shop on the streets.
Warnings: TBA!

She did not ask to be abandoned or banished to Earth. All she wanted was to return to her Asgard.. )

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WHO: Darcy Rhone (narrative)
WHEN: [backdated] Last night around 7pm
WHAT: Doing laundry and thinking destructive thoughts...again.
WHERE: Laundry room of the complex (there is one, right? lol)
STATUS: Complete

The more time Darcy spent at Clark's, the more she noticed just how much time she spent on his couch, flipping through daytime television and remembering why she'd vowed never to be an at-home mother. )
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