War Is Coming RPG.

May 14th, 2011

May 14th, 2011

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Who: Kon and Allana
What: Brooding, showering, and then ohay Allana showing up while he's in a towel post shower.
When: Today!
Where: his place.
warnings: Teenage awkwards.

He'd virtually forgotten Allana was coming by when the steam began to rise to the ceiling of the bathroom )

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Who: Santana and Maureen
What: After getting antsy, it's time to let loose and have a good time!
When: Tonight
Where: A club
Warnings: Possibly swearing, some sexuality? Everything else is TBA but this will be at least PG-13 given who's involved here.

Sometimes a girl just needed to let loose without people going crazy and trying to kill things )
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