War Is Coming RPG.

April 27th, 2011

April 27th, 2011

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Who: Anakin, Tahiri, Alema
What: Alemamurder
Where: A brothel.

When he had known Alema she was a friend.. )

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Who: Leela and Leia
What: Leela wants to avenge Romana by killing Leia. Because that obviously makes sense
When:Today. BEFORE Alema!Death
Where: The streets.
Warnings: Violence of the stabbity and shooting kind. WACKY FUN!

With Alema out there and apparently hating her very existence, being cautious was necessary. )

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Who: Damon and Elena
What: Most likely some teasing before realizing Elena's sick
WhenToday AFTER Alema!Death
Where: Damon's apartment
Warnings: NONE!!!

But tea would help. )
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