War Is Coming RPG.

March 9th, 2011

March 9th, 2011

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WHO: Siri Tachi, Anakin Solo
WHAT: The inevitable meeting and talking between two likeminded Force users
WHEN: Tuesday evening, March 8
WHERE: Rooftop garden, the complex

Although she had been hiding out from most of her acquaintances for a few days, and although she was currently entirely cut off from the Force, Siri still found a lot of solace in retreating to the complex's rooftop garden for reflection. )

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Who: Quinn and Juliet
What: Badness? -Jules has no idea how to defend herself against a demon except 'Christo'..So.
When: today
Where: the address Quinn gave.

underaged mother off the deep end was new.. )

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Who: Anna and Dawn
What: Musings
Where: A cafe in Lawrence
When: Afternoon of the 9th
Rating: Low
Status: In Progress

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