War Is Coming RPG.

March 6th, 2011

March 6th, 2011

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Who: Anakin and Jacen
What: Talking?
When: today
Where: Jacen's and TK's.
Warnings: tba

He wasn't sure how to react, so he took on an expression of stone, similar to their mothers and finally reached Jacen's door where he knocked and waited to be let in.  )

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Who: Buffy Summers, Noah Puckerman and someone else later (cause Buffy will need saving and Puck ass-kicking! Lindsey maybe?)
WHEN: Sometime after this
WHERE: Buffy's new apartment at Epiphany's complex (which she should probably tell people she moved in to)
WHAT: Buffy invites Puck to stay with her. Better him be with her than out on the streets.
STATUS: Incomplete

All things considered this wasn't one of Buffy's best plans. She could already hear Giles' voice in her head telling her how 'foolish,' it was. Here she was without her slayer powers and she was inviting a vampire who wasn't in control of his vampire powers to stay with her. )
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