War Is Coming RPG.

February 2nd, 2011

February 2nd, 2011

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WHO: Kitty Pryde and Tina Cohen-Chang
WHEN: February 2 Nightime
WHERE: Tina's apartment.
WHAT: Kitty is being a bad influence. She's going to get Tina drunk because they've both been dumped.
STATUS: Incomplete

Dumped, dumped, dumped, we've all been dumped. )

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Who: Anakin Solo [possibly open but a narrative is ok too.]
What: angsting, lots of angsting and a little bit of rage for good measure
When: After the talk.
Where: the streets then TKs place.
warnings: TBA but likely not pretty.

He sensed danger infront of him.. )

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Who: Leon, and Sherry
What: Telling Leon her secret...
When: around noonish
Where: Mall Starbucks
Rating: Tad on the high side.

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Who: Damon and Elena
What: Investigating Bonnie’s appearance
Where: Probably around town, but starting at Damon’s place
When: Present day, early evening
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Who: Tommy Sheppard/Speed and OTA or narrative. Hopefully OTA though! Somebody see his brazen use of power!
What: Superheroing!
When: Tonight!
Where: The streets!
Warnings: Uh, PG for hilarious teen attempts to be a badass?

Tommy kind of hated it here. )
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