War Is Coming RPG.

June 6th, 2010

June 6th, 2010

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Who: The Master, Romana and Phoebe (<-- POSTING ORDER)
What: Taking a look at the Immortality Gate to see how best to restore the Master to himself *insert evil laughter*
When: BACKDATED to after this
Where: Starting at the Master's place, then heading outside the city where he hid the Immortality Gate
Warnings: Er...TBA?

It was completely underhanded and dastardly, much like his plans of old. But for now, he had to keep himself in check and appear as lucid as he could if he was to pull this off. )

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WHO: Arthur and Merlin
WHAT: Chinese Food Picnic
WHEN: Sunday Night
WHERE: Their Apartment
Was he meant to impale the food with them? The tips were hardly sharp enough, but picking things up with the tips of both sticks seemed just as unlikely. )
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