War Is Coming RPG.

January 3rd, 2010

January 3rd, 2010

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Who: Needy Lesnicki and OPEN
What: Needy is another one that can't sleep, but she hasn't been talking about it like others have been.
When: Evening, August 2nd.
Where: The gym in the apartments.
Rating: Probably pretty low. Needy curses, but I don't know if she's even up for that right now.

Needy was one of the many in the building that hadn't been able to sleep well )

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Who: Tim and Raven
What: Allowing Tim to let out some aggression
Where: Gym
When: After this

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Who: Tim Wayne and Bart Allen
What: Finally meeting.
When: night or two after the attack. Tim ignores sleep.
Where:Rooftop of the apartment complex
Warnings: TBA

the sky was clear, not a cloud in sight )
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