War Is Coming RPG.

November 16th, 2009

November 16th, 2009

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WHO: Lorne and Spike [yay lack of surnames!]
WHERE: The apartments, it's kitchen
WHEN: Backdated to earlier in the week (cause I suck). Let's say Wednesday.
WHAT: It's Lorne and Spike. I don't think words have been invented yet to describe
Rating: TBD, But it is Spike. And I should probably put up a rating for Lorne contemplating getting people drunk.
STATUS: closed; incomplete

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Who: Damien [open]
When: Afternoon
Where: Apartments
What: Walking around
Rating: PG


Curiosity killed the cat. So it's a good thing his mother wasn't a feline. )

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Who: John and Raven
Where: Lawrence, Kansas
When: Night
What: Patrols
Rating: PG
Status: Complete


Doing the hero thing )

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WHO: Paige Matthews and OPEN
WHAT: Early morning rituals? Lots of caffiene!
WHERE: The kitchen of the apartments.
WHEN: Backdated to a Sunday ... idek, the weekend!
Rating: G for Grumpy
STATUS: Open; incomplete

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