March 28th, 2016




Repose, Anywhere, USA.
No one knows what their neighbors are doing.

The little town is just off a midwest highway, past too many abandoned apple orchards, and at the end of a strangely empty stretch of road. “Welcome to Repose,” the sign at the border says.

On the surface, Repose is a nice, quiet place, with plenty of affordable housing and opportunity; a good place to hide and thrive.

Hold on to that ignorance. Now, hold it closer. What do your neighbors conceal in the privacy of their own homes, in their coffee cups, on their shelves? With that military facility out on the horizon standing silent guard, no one would think to look for anything peculiar here. Where else can a secret build into a calamity but in the lull of a small town?

Bury your secrets and watch them grow. This is Repose.




[No Subject]

[info]alexanderbennet seeking out active writers, wanting to try out a new community based around people with psychic abilities, living in a small town? This might be the place for you. All other non-psychic ability characters are also wanted and welcomed! Check out our wanted post to see if you can fill any lines.

You should join, all the cool kids are doing it! Make sure you reserve your PB here to assure no one snags them up.



( x-posted. #sorrynotsorry )

After a (too long) hiatus I'm itching from some writing. I'm wanting something from the video game genres! I'd love anything Bioware. Some Dragon Age, KotOR, and Mass Effect, please. I'd dig into some Diablo, Resident Evil, or Skyrim! However I think I'd really enjoy something from World of Warcraft. Maybe with some cross characters making a name for themselves? I'd have some ideas for all of these or if you have something similar please hit me up. Comment and we can discuss options. Check out the journal for other options, as well.



Castle Ghrian: The Panfandom Vacation You Never Asked For.


This is Castle Ghrian.

Castle Ghrian is a panfandom game set in a timeless era on the beautiful and luxurious grounds of an Irish castle. We are an easy-going game just starting out and we're looking for diverse writers interested in developing and exploring their characters in a welcoming and drama-free environment.

We are committed to providing a space for players to focus on their writing and in that mission there will be regular game-wide plots and other methods to encourage, stimulate, and inspire our players. We want stories to flourish and for players to feel free to plot and play and grow.

Join us on this adventure.

PremiseRules & FAQsCast ListHoldsApplicationWanted





[No Subject]


Shortly after, not only travel through time, but also between worlds was discovered in the 26th Century, it was surmised that certain events could be changed without damage to the timeline. Instead just creating a parallel reality. With some experimentation, this was proven. But, the The Agency for Temporal Adjustment soon realised that their own agents were not equipped for some of the scenario's they wanted to change. And, instead created an algorithm to scan the different times and realities. Picking those with abilities and temperaments which could be more useful in their quest to right the wrongs of the past.

The algorithm seemed success. And on April 1st 2516, the first of their subscripted agents were brought through the Time Stream to the Agency's Headquarters, and briefed on their mission. Before being sent to Paris, France on April 1st 1832. Their mission? To save the lives of the June Rebellion. Either by preventing the rebellion, or making it succeed. The methods are up to their "Agents". They only care for the results.

Time Stream is a Panfandom game of time travel. We will be working through various scenarios. Each lasting approximately two months. These can be from any fandom, or actual events in history. The current scenario is based on Les Miserables.


table code by wearestardust @ supersuits



[No Subject]

Looking for the parents (Mom is a Witch, Dad is a Dragon) of this character @[info]willowcreekmod! See here(Mom) and here(Dad) for more information, if interested!