July 2nd, 2014



Angel Grove - A Crack Panfandom RP


[info]commandcentre | [info]angelnet | [info]angelcomms | [info]angellogs | [info]angelooc

Premise | Rules | FAQ | Holds | Wanted | Applications | Cast List | Character Drop | Drop Box | Contact post

When Divatox, intergalactic pirate queen of evil, finally destroyed the Turbo Rangers and their Command Centre, it wasn't the end of its energies. With nowhere to go, the powers of the Morphing Grid that were once contained within seeped into the universe itself, opening up rifts in time and space over the entire planet.

Anything that falls through the rifts tends to arrive with some modicum of technology, hacked into cooperation with the new universe by as-yet unknown forces. There are translators, GPSes, even a rough kind of teleporter that mimics the Rangers' old technologies.

Welcome to the world of Angel Grove, a panfandom RP set in the universe of the Power Rangers. Try not to get stepped on by a Zord.



Distant Fantasies RPG Invitational

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X-Project - an X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal



X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, we've been running since May 2003 and use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and while we accept new characters we strongly encourage people to adopt one of our orphans.

Check out the Wiki and the advertising community to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter! | YouTube Channel | Tumblr | Application Checklist

Poster created by Mackinzie