May 5th, 2014



[No Subject]

Internet cookies and lol!cats for:

An active Klaus, Tyler and/or Stefan for my Caroline.

And an active Kristoff and/or Hans for my Anna.

These are for [info]horrorathon.



[No Subject]

Would anyone be interested in a game that pulls the worlds of Buffy, Angel and Supernatural together?

All the details aren’t hashed out yet but we’re thinking along the lines of having all the shows back at the very start and seeing what happens when all the characters crash into each other. The events in the shows can be changed as the players see fit and dead characters are more than welcome to join up. In the near future, we’re planning on bringing in other shows too (Vampire Diaries etc).

If you’re interested, please contact me here

There’s also a place to hold a character here



Dark Fae Wanted!

[info]savagegardens, a Peter Pan-based, Original Character RPG, needs some dark fae to round out its cast. In this game, dark fae are banished fairies who live in a dark and dangerous place within the Fae Circles. They were banished long ago, but are planning an uprising. This character, the daughter of a fae general, is currently an undercover operative in town and she needs some siblings to visit at home and report back to. I'd also love for her to have a best friend, one from town who only knows her undercover personality, and one from home.

The game also needs more mermaids, more Natives, and we could always use more pirates. Comment to this post if you have any questions or interest!

[No Subject]


Where else would you expect to find what they call "the supernatural" these days? It's the only place we can hide where nobody thinks anything of it. There's always one logical explanation for whatever happens: it's just part of the show, nothing more than illusion, exactly what we want you to see. Go ahead and videotape it. There's no such thing as bad press, and advertising you don't have to pay for is nothing but good for business.

Besides, we have people to take care of anything that gets a little bit out of hand.

[info]circusfolk is a supernatural genre GPSL that accepts all characters interested in playing in a sandbox style environment where the "unusual" is allowed to exist in the open. The traveling circus provides a backdrop meant to foster character interaction in a setting that is set apart from the "real world" while still having access to it.

We have no set species or rules for races, allowing players the freedom to make their own rules and play whatever supernatural characters they desire (including traditional supernatural races, mutant characters, aliens and others, or even the humans that have come, however accepting or uneasy, to live among them) in the style that most appeals to their individual tastes. All we ask is for balance, limitations, and a respect for difference. Otherwise, characters are free to come and exist as they are.



[No Subject]

Check the journal. Looking for homes and Sl's <3


Welcome to the real New York. Everybody has a story, everybody has a place they want to go. But not everyone gets there. No, the underworld claims them for their own. It's a dirty business, but someone's got to do it, whether they want to or not. From the wannabe actress turned stripper queen, to the musician forced to work in seedy bars to make ends meet. And they're the lucky ones. Everybody has a price, some people can just afford not to be bought. So, my little plaything, want me to make an offer you can't refuse? Or do you want the sharks to claim you for their own?

Now looking for cops and mobsters, inquire within!

[No Subject]



PremiseRules & FAQHoldsApplicationWanted/Caps

Who we are:

An original science fiction game that borrows many of the established elements of time travel from whoverse. Things such as the conception of a time agency and a vortex manipulator have been borrowed in order to get our Agents of Time from 5062 to travel back to 2014 to cure a disease that has struck one of the planets in their local solar system. The agents have three fields; combat, sciences and communication.

How we work:

We have two types of characters; Agents of Time and Natives of Time. Natives only exist in the game throughout the duration of the mission that visits their time period. The missions last three months each, with one month that is set in 5062 before each mission when assignments are distributed and they are given a few lessons about the time period they are going to in order to ensure the agents can function well enough to blend in there.

What we're looking for:

Agents in the sciences that have a background in medicine and/or virology. Communication agents interested in recording down any history that didn't make it to 5062. Diverse played-by's.

The Game opened for play on 4/27.
Agents will be deployed to 2014 on 5/24.



longest shot

Hi, I 'm looking for anyone interested in doing a private story line with my Lilah. Either pm me or comment here thanks. Would love a Lindsey or Wesley from Angel
I have a few ideas for them, but I 'm also open to other ideas too.