April 6th, 2013



[No Subject]



Dark wizards are punishing all who speak out.
Dark arts supporters are poisoning the country.
The Ministry are denying they're losing control.
Vigilantism will not be tolerated.



Tumultus is a dark and gritty first war roleplay that opened on 8 February. It is focused on the last two years of the war. The country is exhausted, but the grim-faced Ministry are still coming down hard on anyone that poses a threat, dark wizards and vigilantes alike.

With a mild AU environment and a bustling plot calendar of events, there is plenty of opportunity to get involved. This month sees attempts from the Order to identify Death Eaters, the Ministry runs mandatory prosaic roleplaying sessions and the Minister has to make a decision on the use of Unforgivables.

Outer Circle Death Eaters are wanted, but there are plenty of spaces for Ministry based characters, St Mungo's employees and Order vigilantes.

full premise · game information · character list · wanted characters · application



Oh Marvelous: A Marvel Universe Game


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[No Subject]


Allison! She's wanted desperately for a GPSL. We're an active group and we've been looking for her for ages. Join now! She's been kidnapped by the Alphas and without a player, she might never make it back to Beacon Hills! We wouldn't want that to happen so fill a Very Much Needed Line and take part in a game that already has Scott, several pack members and her dad plus an array of original characters for her to form bonds with! Please leave a message here or on my contact page if you're interested or would like more information!

[No Subject]

Catherine Tate and John Barrowman wanted at the celeb community:[info]splendor! We've got a Billie Piper, too!

[No Subject]

Looking for someone to play Luke Skywalker for my original Star Wars OC. Luke can be straight from the movies and doesn't have to know anything about Rena, or we can communicate about their history.


email is bkinney71@yahoo.com please put "Spinning Compass" in the subject. Thanks.