July 6th, 2012


Call for Blood


You've heard stories of the man with a hook for a hand. You know him as Captain Hook. Bloodthirsty, greedy, and murderous, he's craved Peter Pan's head, along with the lives of the ragtag group of boys who swear allegiance to the Boy Who Never Grows Old.

Peter Pan might spin you that tale. But what of Hook's side? He might call into question Peter's role in child-taking. Does Peter rescue those that are Lost? Or is he bringing them to Neverland to play a part in the game set between himself and Hook? Pawns ready to fight and die for the sake of never-ending life or something much darker.

Which side will you play? Because things are never really as black and white as they seem.

Game created October, 2011 & Going Strong!
Our Pirate Guide has taken under much expansion and can be viewed here!




[No Subject]

We are still looking for: Artie Abrams, Rachel Berry, Michael
Chang, Quinn Fabray, Sugar Motta, Matt Rutherford, Sebastian
Original characters are allowed and we a player
looking for a Clint to go with her Natash.

Carpe Noctem? A Glee/Harry Potter Game )

[No Subject]

Board and looking for a Jean x Wolverine line.

Hit me up on aim at morethengwen



Beacon Hills: A Teen Wolf RPG


Beacon Hills RPG will pick up immediately after the season 2 finale. We will work on an episodic basis, for 13 "episodes". Each episode will take place over 1-2 weeks in game, and will vary from 2 to 4 weeks RL time. The game will run with an overarching plot (based around a season "bad guy") and smaller, player driven plots to keep character interaction and development up.

Holds will start on JULY 3rd, with first ads being on July 10th, but actual game play won't begin until August 17th. In the interim, there will be a variety of activities designed to keep interest and activity up including, but not limited to, character development exercises, open sandbox play, crack threads and in character memes. The hope is that by opening the holds early, we will have a full cast by the time we're ready to start the game.

Further information on plot will be revealed after the S2 finale, to make sure it follows S2 canon. Some ideas on the table thus far are a rival pack coming to challenge Derek and Scott, misunderstandings with a local coven, or someone with a vendetta against the Hunters causing the Argents to have to team up with Derek and Scott's packs, other supernatural creatures being discovered (vengeful spirits perhaps?), or something completly different. Once there is a firm idea of where S2 will end up, a decision for the plot will be made.

[info]beacon_hills | [info]beaconhillsmod | [info]beaconhillsooc

Cast mates for Dany?

Hi there!

I'm playing Daenerys Targaryen over at [info]doors and I'm looking for a few cast mates for her. They are a bit rare, but I'm hoping that someone will have a hankering to play them! Doors is a mix of original character and panfandom and it comes with a fantastic group of writers and people.

Spoilers for A Song of Ice and Fire, all books, within. Gen, plus one one-sided love line. )



[No Subject]


The year is 2005... or is it 1981? Or 1970? Or 2029? Or 1998? No one is quite sure... all you know is that you’re suddenly standing just outside a large wrought icon gate which reads "Trickster's Paradise", through which can be seen a street that looks like Hogsmeade... only something is just slightly off. Soon you'll discover how Hogsmeade somehow branches off into Diagon Alley, with Hogwarts looming over it, and that the Ministry of Magic is at the other end of the front door of the Leaky. Not to mention that just beyond the Forbidden forest is that beach in Blackpool that you used to go to when you were a kid, and if you walk through the train station in Hogsmeade you end up in a field that you're pretty sure used to be in Ireland. Welcome to the Trickster’s Paradise. Feel free to settle in and find a place to stay; you’ll discover that somehow, most of your favorite possessions will appear in your home the moment you choose it. Take advantage of this odd turn of events and get to know people you thought were long gone. But don’t get too comfortable. You see, odd things are known to happen in the Trickster’s Paradise... he has to stay entertained somehow after all.

Trickster's Paradise is a multi-verse, multi-generation Harry Potter game, open since June 2012!




Rearranged: a next-generation Harry Potter game.


2030, United Kingdom. Survivors of the virus that decimated a majority of Britain's population are finally coming home. The resettlement brings new challenges: a hybrid society, a fledgling economy, and the threat of underpopulation. But the merged Muggle and Wizarding Ministry have plenty of plans. As everyone settles back home, a new threat arises. Or is it entirely new? Were the events ten years ago merely a prologue?

Rearranged is a next-generation Harry Potter game with overarching plot and plenty of space for character development.

Looking for Louis Weasley, Longbottoms, Greengrasses, business associates, friends, exes, foster siblings, and Muggles.



X-Project: An X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal




Date of Birth: October 23, 1985

Powers: Homeostatic bio-aura.


Lillian Crawley-Jeffries: Impetuous and short-tempered, Lil fled a difficult marriage and the demands of Beta Flight training to try things with the X-Men. She found herself succeeding almost despite herself, making friends and even experimenting with dating again (usually not terribly successfully due to her conflicted feelings about her husband). But when the new Alpha Flight team was almost completely wiped out, she returned to Canada to care for her injured husband. Her dream of Alpha was dashed by the cancellation of the program, and her future remains very much unsure at this stage.

X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, we've been running since May 2003 and use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and while we accept new characters we strongly encourage people to adopt one of our orphans.

Check out the Wiki and the advertising community to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter! | YouTube Channel


Life's a Circus!


Application Cast Held Wanted
Mod journal OOC RPG

Welcome to Circ Du Magic, a travelling circus that moves from town to town in 1930's America, stunning the crowds with it's acrobats and lion tamers, it's dancing dogs and fire walkers. It is a place of light and colour, a fantasy to hide in as the world outside marches towards war and an uncertain future. The food is an explosion of spice and sugar, the fortune teller a jaunt into the dangerous unknown. To them a day and night at the circus is a time for joy and escapism to ride the bumper cars, and marvel at the strong man.

To the onlooker from small town USA, the circus is a glamorous and glittering world. To those who work in it the circus is a darker place. The constant movement of their workplace means that consequences are minimal when dealing with the local populace and makes it a great attraction for runaways and those avoiding the law.

The major secret of the Circ Du Magic is of course that a huge number of impressive tricks really are magic and the cricus itself harbours huge numbers of the supernatural, hiding in plain sight from the humans who watch them perform every day and night.

There are few rules in the circus for dealing with outsiders, but when looking inwards, there are a few. The circus is your family, so there is no stealing from inside, violence to circus folk is to be kept to a minimum. all secrets must be kept, and you have to work to earn your keep.