March 9th, 2012


New PanFandom Game!


Welcome to Pacis Urbs, a city that takes the best of all worlds for itself.

And, yes, that includes you.

You've been taken quite by accident, you see, but you're hardly the first Otherworlder the Natives have had to deal with. Pacis Urbs has a long history of accommodating Others like yourself, and getting them back home. The only problem is, getting you back is expensive. How can you earn the money to get home?

The Games, of course. These gladiator-esque games are wildly popular in Pacis Urbs and other cities, generating much of the city's income. While these games can be light, even humorous, the darker games pay more. Getting home isn't cheap, and there are plenty of ways to sell yourself on the Campus.

Isolated from the rest of the city, collared and marked as an outsider, you're stuck in this world until you can pay off your debt.

The only question to ask yourself now is: what will you do to get home?

Stranger Games is an action based Panfandom RPG. We're here to create a fast paced game focused on intense plots, writing, and above all having fun. There's a place for fighting characters, non-combat characters, and everything in between! Stranger Games is designed to get more complex as times goes on, so hurry up and join us!

Stranger Mods Journal (*) Stranger Games RP (*) Stranger Games MollyNet (*) Stranger Games OOC

Mod Contact
Reserved Characters
Taken Characters





Casa Grande is the home for you.


rules ~ application ~ held/wanted/taken
~Directory: Males ~Directory: Females
~drop box ~ friends button ~ CG Secrets

We are a small played-by roleplay community set in the developing city of Casa Grande, Arizona. Our group consists of an open-minded and diverse ensemble of writers with an even more varied cast of characters. The community allows a broad spectrum: from your everyday girl-next-door or high school jock to a Victoria's Secret employee or NBA star. Regardless, you must be realistic when devising your applicant. Our emphasis is on character development and we offer an opportunity to delve deep into that person you have always wanted to play without the distractions of supernatural talents or global collapse. Please read the rules beforehand! If your application is denied we will provide an explanation as to why. Any further questions can be posed through contacting the mods at 'the drop box'. We will be glad to answer your queries there.

[No Subject]


The Mutant Registration Act passed. With both of their leaders gone, the Brotherhood and X-Men still strive to keep the dreams of Magneto and Xavier alive. How will they fair against the government's team of mutant-hunters?

- - [info]xfactors is an AU X-Men-centric game, both canon and original character friendly. The game's first adds are happening on March 11th with the game's opening on March 26th. Come check us out!



Washington Irving Academy


[info]wiacademymods - [info]wiacademy - [info]wiacademyooc

The area of Sleepy Hollow in lower New York is no stranger to trouble. Especially not of the magical kind. It is even a part of Muggle legend, though heavily re-written, and one that is studied in Muggle Schools around the country. A fanciful tale with intrigue, love, lust, mystery, and ghosts, it is a well-beloved tale from the area.

The real story is even worse. It isn’t enough that the Horseman is a real entity, seeking vengeance for a mysterious past wrong. The school’s own tragic history is almost a mere blip on the radar in the grand scheme of things. With a headmistress who is seeking to quell the spirits of the school for her own purposes, what can the students do?

Perhaps the question should rather be: What wouldn’t the students do to get their school back?

Most Wanted:
Muggle haters, hipsters, punks, troublemakers, Van Rippers, goths, All American Jocks, Quodpot and Quidditch players, Cheerleaders of all types, Pureblood fanatics, and any character on our wanted page!


[No Subject]


Open your eyes.

You are standing in the center of a small village. It is dreary and overcast, and the wet wind blows through with a chill. The buildings around you are abandoned and silent. You may feel a vague sense of familiarity, but nothing stands out terribly strongly.

Wherever you are, it is not where you were only a moment ago. Perhaps you were at home, snuggled safe in your bed. Maybe you were standing in a battlefield, shaken by a great explosion. Were you working? Did you close your eyes for only a second?

In that moment of darkness, that split second, you were brought to a place that will prove to be more strange and mysterious than you could ever imagine.

Anachronia is an OC roleplay for history fans. Characters are taken from their homes by an invisible force and brought to a nameless village in a valley surrounded by tall mountains. Characters can be from any point in history to the modern day, and come from all walks of life. Despite their differing origins, they will have to work together to survive in this village, and maybe someday find a way home.

Game will open at 5 Applications! Currently at 0/5.
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day...
Rules // FAQ
Application // Premise // Characters // Resources
IC Community // OOC Community


[No Subject]

Any interest in the return of this werewolf game?