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May. 19th, 2013


Intro: Erica Redd


This is Erica Redd, older sister of Brian and younger sister of Ben. She is a 10th grader in Brom, her favorite subject is History of Magic, she wants to be a journalist when she grows up and she has a slight obsession with nail polish.

Last summer, she went through the rather sensation trial of her father, and was quite a bit more subdued when she returned to school this year, and rather aloof and standoffish to those who aren't close friends or Brian. She's not as close to Ben, since she gets the distinct feeling that her older brother thinks of her as a burden, and she has something of an inferiority complex. Redds tend to be Cranes, after all, and she's not. She's also terrible at Potions and Herbology, and thinks of this subconsciously as more proof that their father was right to think of her as worth less than her brothers.

With all that cheerful stuff aside...Erica is nice, if somewhat quiet, and a little bit tomboyish. She's ace at magical languages and history and happy to tutor, and bisexual - though she's never actually done anything.

She needs friends! And crushes! And people she saves from bad grades in HoM! And her brothers.

Apr. 27th, 2013


Heeey guys

This is EJ for those that don't know, and THIS IS BRIBRI. Or otherwise known as Brian Redd, the youngest of the three Redd siblings. He is from Gloucester, Massachusetts where he lives with his mother and siblings...but not his father. His father was abusive to the family as a whole, and Brian had been labeled 'retard' by the man by age three. Why? Because Brian developed server obsessive compulsive disorder in order to deal with his father. He would clean things incessantly, because as his anxiety rose, his irrational fears rose, and the only way to stop it all...was to do just that- clean.

The year before Brian would start the Lower Academy, however, his father was arrested and very publicly put on trail for . Barbie and the kids were in the courtroom everyday, and there was no hiding from the reporters. So when he came to WIA, he came to the school with the same stigma his siblings had already been labelled with- 'Oh he is one of the Redds' is the most often heard phrase when people think he can't hear.

That aside, Bribri is your average, stuttering kid who is currently on track to at least being put on anxiety medication. He is in need of Friends, really, and people that sort of make fun of him. I would like to avoid outright enemies, XD if only because how can you hate this kid? Unless you are Ben.

Edit: I forgot to add, he is a Freshman Crane :|


All you bitches think you know intros- but you have got nothing on Cede and her ~ladies~

First up is this here Aune Rebekka Walkky [info]studiesallnight. A friend in need is a friend... who will be paying 9.35% interest on all loans made over fifteen dollars- and paid within an agreed upon time. She's smart as fuck in the numerical department- and has a running book on all games for you to bet on at your disposal. She made her reputation by always paying out on winnings - and built it by always collecting on what was due. She mostly runs with Em and Leon when no one is looking, and has some sort of cigarette tucked away on her person at all times. She's not a nice person, but one you should at least know.

Second is of course, is Christina 'Chrissie' Lee [info]donotforgetme, your typical Brom in just about every way. She's the girl who will beat the shit out of you on the quodpot field, but then share notes for a potions final because it's the right thing to do. A good person in all the areas that matter, her only sins are that which we can expect... and a tendency to you know. Remind everyone that her roommate has a drawer full of rainbow-colored vibrators. (Sorry!)

And last, but certainly not least is Janis 'JanJan' Parke [info]writingmybook, who is likely the dumbest, happiest person you know. She is the one who is a winner when she gets a C (AVERAGE!) and will likely be a very happy door greeter one day. Secretly in love with the wrong man -shh- she may hug and kiss a tree if she stood next to it long enough, her legs are pretty much crossed for anyone who isn't ~him~. (It's bad guys, real bad.) If you can't handle happy people, stay away from this girl, because she is shitting sunshine.


Apr. 25th, 2013


megumi akiyama

Hey guys, it's Violet with character number two! Meet Megumi Akiyama, a Van Ripper junior who lives in Chicago, Illinois. And used to live in Los Angeles. It's a long story.

Treasurer of the Student Council, member of the Honor Society, and editor of the school newspaper, Megumi... is basically a teacher's pet. She's taking all the advanced classes for her electives and... pretty much all she does is work. And avoid people who just "want her to have fun".

She also plays electric guitar. She doesn't really make this well-known, but a very few people have probably caught her jamming out in the music wing at some point. (Also, some people have probably noticed that she never wears revealing clothing. Ever. No one has ever seen her arms past her wrists or her legs past her ankles.)

At least, like. One friend?
People who get irritated by her?
People who want to bug her?

Apr. 24th, 2013


Natalie Mojarro

Hey guys! This is Natalie Mojarro, a junior Van Tassel who hails from Queens, New York. She is the youngest child (and only witch) in a Mexican immigrant family and, uh, they're less than thrilled with that little fact, shall we say. As a result of that and some traumatizing events the summer before she started at WIA, Nat stays with a cousin in the Bronx over the summers and pretty much never goes home otherwise. The general assumption is that she's probably an orphan, which is backed up by the fact that she's got the smallest wardrobe in Van Tassel.

Nitty-gritty details here, but other points of note: she's a Van Tassel prefect, plays guitar, and is an ace pickpocket and shoplifter. She's also center chaser on the Quidditch team, in the honor society, and takes great care to be as perfect a student as she can...on the surface. If you scratch the surface, you've got a girl with anxiety issues, fear of men, and a sliiiight drinking problem.

Natalie needs:

+ Friends
+ Enemies
+ Guys to flirt with /o/

Apr. 21st, 2013


We would like to wish a happy birthday to our own Ally Rae Roscoe!

Apr. 18th, 2013



HEY DOODS, KAT HERE. I can't actually play until May-ish, maybe. I have a lot of coursework to do, but I would love love love to do some plotting with you keeds.

First off we have Gray. ( He's a Van Tassel Junior, Captain of the Quodpot Team, a massive slut and kind of a bro? His family is sorta like... the Wizard Equivalent of the Hiltons. Rich. Entitled. He's also French-Canadian. He is a tall, gangly motherfucker with a sickening amount of confidence-- who likes to drink and fight and party. I'd say he also probably has a bit of a reputation for maybe playing a little too hard at quodpot, as he became captain because the last one killed herself-- and he feels he needs to prove himself. He's fairly popular, I would say-- and likes to be friends with everyone. He's never malicious, but he's pretty fucking terrible when it comes to... not sleeping around. He doesn't follow the bro code, either. Your character's hot sister? He's been there. Or tried.

He needs:

ALL the exgirlfriends.
RIVALS?! idek.

SECONDLY, we have Emilie.

Em is a bit different this time around. If you haven't played with me before, Emilie used to look like this.

NOW, she's a blonde and a cheerleader in Van Tassel. Her dad is a big-name Auror in NYC (Kinda like the magical chief of police.) She collects information about people and likes to use it against them. Doesn't trust easily, is a little scary-- and owns a Tarantula named Marie-Anne. On the outside she's your typical cheerleader, but uh. Bitch is scary. You do NOT want to be the enemy of Emilie Devlin. I don't really know how else to describe her if you haven't played with me before but you can always check out her bio? (

She needs a couple of ex's, friends, enemies, the works.


Apr. 15th, 2013


Meet Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood

It's Muzy again. With a second character. Already

This is Charlotte Elyse Blackwood, aka Charlie, a freshman in Van Ripper. She is from an old, old wizarding family - the Blackwoods like to say they came over on the Mayflower - and comes to Washington Irving from San Francisco, California. An only child, she feels the weight of family expectations on herself and worries about disappointing her family. She's in Equestrian Club, a Van Ripper cheerleader, is the freshman representative for the student council, and works on the newspaper as a reporter and the designated Writer of Horoscopes.

Other things, other things....oh. She reads Harlequin romance novels obsessively and is entirely convinced that Jake Thatcher is a romance hero come to life.

She neeeeds:

- Friends
- Mentors
- Objects of Flirtation
- Anything else you can think of.


gemma hadley ashbrook-livingston

For those of you who haven't met Hadley yet, here she is. Gemma Hadley Ashbrook-Livingston is the youngest witch in her family. An accident child, she was disregarded by her parents for most of her childhood, which caused her to have a huge independent streak plus a lack of care or regard for authority.

Now she's an 11th grader in Brom. She throws parties, has tons of sex with boys and girls alike, and rocks everyone's socks in Charms. She's a devoted Quidditch player and an active member of the Dueling Club. Or... your character knows her because of how much she complains and rolls her eyes through Latin. Or how much she begs to copy the History of Magic homework.

Looking For:
Friends with Benefits?
Anything really?

Apr. 14th, 2013



Seth [info]aliens_exist (no longer alien sexist whoohooo!) is a kind of nerdy, kind of snarky and kind of highly strung kid. He likes nerdy space stuff and also plays quodpot! He needs more friends, more enemies and also straight guys he has been besotted with in the past. BUT MOSTLY LOTS OF FRIENDS TO ANNOY.

Mari [info]oohstickyou is basically the same as her other incarnations. She has a new PB and really likes the colour pink. She is still obsessed with boys and pissing people off, but she's kind of endearing. I need LOTS of friends and LOTS of past boyfriends for her and maybe an enemy or two, but really she doesn't make that many enemies because everything is basically a joke to her.

Frankie [info]petitechou_ is still French and still ridiculous. She writes angry poetry and is pretty outspoken. She doesn't like cheerleaders and is kind of snobby (but she would never admit that). She also needs some friends (she's nice once you get to know her - honest!) and also she has a pretty big list of ex boyfriends (the cause of break up is usually 'angry screaming in french') if anyone wants to volunteer!

Sim [info]simpleminds has gone through the biggest changes. New pb, new history. He had a pretty shitty life and now is basically the Walter White of the school, ON YOUR HEAD BE IT IF YOU TRY AND TAKE OVER HIS TURF. His main source of income is selling crappy illegal substances to other students and beating the shit out of his competitors. HOWEVER, he is also quite thoughtful, polite and quiet. He reads a lot and I'd like some quieter people to be his buds who he can talk about books and who will feed him cake. He is a serial dater, relationships lasting usually a night if anyone wants to volunteer!


Apr. 13th, 2013


Intros, doing this all in one because I'm lazy.

So, like....You all pretty much know my people. :| So I'm doing this intro quick and dirty like a Sunday Quickie in the Church bathroom. Just plain sinful, I know.

Leon - [[info]mightbeclever]

-School jerk.
-Van Tassel Junior.
-In Honor Society, though that might be on the brink of change.
-Currently addicted to Valium.
-His girlfriend, Clara, committed suicide over the summer break before junior year. She'd been the former Van Tassel Quodpot Team Captain. Leon did not take it well. (Hence the worsening drug habit.)
-Suffers from clinic depression; unmedicated do to lack of therapy and being too younger for the drugs.
-Is gay, but hails from a conservative family (His mother is old world French, she has a hard time being okay with homosexuality, and does not know Leon is gay. No one does save Em, and most likely Aune and Ro.)

Enemies (mostly this is Vinnie, Gracy, Frankie and Quinn)
People he somewhat gets along with
Potential Beards
Potential Boy Hook Ups??

Ginger - [[info]mylollipop]

-Van Tassel Junior.
-Class VP
-From the Orange County area north of LA
-Smarter than she looks and acts
-Can be a bitch when she gives into peer pressure.
-Has slept with everyone she's dated, but has a fear of being in an actual relationship. This comes from the horrible marriage her parents share.
-Has an eating disorder, anorexia, and can easily fall into the trap of not eating enough.

Ex's/Possible Boyfriends
Fan Club

Jax/Jack - [[info]djjax]

-Van Ripper Sophomore.
-HUGE music fan.
-Dreams of becoming a famous DJ.
-Loves gummy bears, and just candy in general.
-Does mostly alright in school.
-Both his parents are muggle, so magic is amazing and new for him all the time.
-His mother died of cancer when he was young, and his father is getting ready to remarry finally. It bothers him.

Enemies (though, really, who could hate Jax?)
Something I'm Forgetting?


Howdy, bbs! <-- that stands for big beautiful sluts, here.

Kait again (yep, get used to that) with some storyline ops for [info]southern_sun.

Ally is a southern gal from Tennessee, loves (REALLY LOVES) horseback riding, pranks, her bff Rowan, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and being super flirtatious with people. Having said that, here's some options!

- Close friend (she has a bunch of these, but MORE ARE BETTER
- Enemy number one (Bastian is Prank Target Alpha, but BETA AND THETA ARE NEEDED)
- Horseback/flying buddies
- Makeout buddies (Ally doesn't 'do' relationships anymore...not since the end of last summer...but she's okay with making out!)
- Member of the Dream Boat (Gael Shaw is the official unofficial captain, but anyone that Ally crushes on is considered a 'dream boat')

So yeah! I'm open for pretty much anything with her (not that you dirty heathen...well maybe) and I didn't mention this before, but I'm pretty much always available...(my life is a lie).



Casting Call?

Good day to you, ladles and gentlespoons. Kait here with some wanted stuff for Jake!

As of right now, [info]notjdean has a few close friends (ie Bastian, Jack) and a few more that he actually hangs out with (ie Rowan, Sibyl [sorta], and Gabe). But he needs MOAR. If you'd like to fill any of the roles below PLEASE inquire within!

- Close friend
- Primary rival/enemy
- Love interest/crush
- Past lover/possibly girlfriend
- Possible relative?

And, if anyone's possibly interested, Jake has a wee sister that's two years younger than him, so she'd be a freshman this year, sophomore next year. I don't have much written for her personality, and only recently picked a face for her, so obvs it could be changed.

Apr. 11th, 2013


Meet Daniel Prochazka

His app has all the details, but in brief: he's a junior in Crane, his favorite subjects are Potions and Herbology, and he can often be found concocting new, potentially unwise things in his secret laboratory the potions classroom.

He's got a sick younger sister and also came back to school this year rebounding like hell from his first relationship, so he has a lot of sex, primarily one night stands and friends with benefits. You've probably seen his walks-of-very-little-shame. Or he's sauntered into class in a slightly less than crisp uniform.


May. 17th, 2012



I'm sorry that my hiatus lasted so long, but I am finally settled in my new apartment (with internet as of today!), and I have an acceptable work-around for my computer troubles. So I'm back.

May. 11th, 2012


I am so sick. And so sorry to everyone I owe tags to. Both my son and myself are ill, him with a bad cold and stomach issues that we had to do bloodwork for to try and find out and me with the flu and ickyness, and the hubby is having job issues and we're trying to sell our apartment and bah. Life smacked me in the face with a wet flounder. I hope to feel better soon and have things done in a timely fashion as soon as I do.

Those I owe tags to, let me know if you want me to tag, or if you would like to OOC a resolution with me. There will be plot happening as soon as I'm up and about, and we will get all the modly things done I swear. Thank you for hanging in there and keeping on keeping on, and I love you all <3333

Apr. 21st, 2012


My keyboard is malfunctioning at the moment, and I'm moving across the country this week, so I will be slow in posting the next few days. Really sorry about the inconvenience.


Hey guys, I just moved about 1400 miles and I I'm having issues with the Internet in my new place. So I will hit you up with tags tomorrow I hope! I'm excited to get back with it after driving across the country for FIVE DAYS.

Apr. 20th, 2012


(re) intro post

Hey everyone! This is Meghan, and I'm bringing Lys back because I missed you all and her and yes. She's Maggie's roommate, Ro's bffl and generally all around a cool cat. Here is a c/p list from her first intro, because I am lazy.


  • Muggleborn witch from NYC. Her family is very rich, and she does not like that fact. She'd much rather make her way on her own.

  • Part of wanting to make it on her own has prompted her to join in with her friends Rowan and Keegan in a homework/forgery ring. You need a paper on 1758 Goblin wars or a permission slip signed by your parents? They are your go-to people.

  • She's a Junior in Von Ripper, likes going with the flow, and is a free spirit.

  • She is very artistic, and you can generally find her with a sketchbook in hand.

  • Other things that you can find here.

She's been in a study coma for the last little bit because she realized that finals are just around the corner and freaked out a little, but now she's coming out because studying is boring, yo.

My aim is yylcgirl91 and email is

Apr. 14th, 2012



Alright, let's try this ONE MORE TIME.

I'm coming back. Again. Now I know what you're thinking, didn't I say the same thing like, three weeks ago? You're right, my friends, I did. RIGHT AFTER I SAID THAT, my grandma started getting much sicker, much faster. She seemed determined to follow my grandpa as quickly as she could. She's passed now, and I have actual free time and desire to RP. It's nice, except for the obvious not so nice parts.

Once again, for those who don't know me, I'm Nat, and this kid is Lucas. I have one other pup, Esme, who you can find at [info]ritually. Their initial intro posts are here and here, respectively. Esme has a kid sister I'd love to see picked up, and neither of them have any lines going, really, so I'd love to get something going! If you'd like to talk to me, feel free to IM me on AIM at the screenname contraindre, or e-mail me at

I'm looking forward to really getting back into everything again. ^^

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