February 29th, 2012



[No Subject]

[info]maskofstars Want something different? We're a Celeb and PB game. Come check us out! Example free until March 3rd! Very slash friendly.



[No Subject]


On the eastern coast of the United States sits the small college town of Knightsbridge. Visitors to Knightsbridge often feel a strong sense of jamais vu; everyone seems somehow recognizable but totally unfamiliar. Not that there's anything magical going on here, of course, but it's definitely creepy.
Knightsbridge is a casual original character game where every character has the personality of a canon character from any book, movie, TV show, comic, musical, or play.




[No Subject]

George would love to see her older brother Daniel in play at The Immune ([info]immunemod). He's the musician of the family and since the outbreak has sort of taken over their older brother's, Evan, role as her best friend in the family. Like his siblings he is immune to the virus that causes people to become zombies. We've NPCed him as being sort of quiet, plagued by nightmares, and tends to switch sides between George and Evan on a regular basis depending on who he has talked to more.

Similarly, I would adore to see George's sort of rival from before the outbreak. Her name is tentatively set as Rebecca Jessup but that can change. They never got a long while they were on dance team and actually she hated George for beating out her preferred candidate (possibly her best friend if you want) for the last open spot on the team. She made George's first year on the team hell and tormented her during George's second year. I sort of want to see a red head as PB, but whatever you use is fine as long as it's appropriate.

Last, I have a general want for a few former members of her dance team between the ages of 18 and 23. And one or two people that she was friends with outside of the dance team. I'd really love if one of them was her best friend before the outbreak. A few familiar faces from before might spur George to start showing some of her nicer traits and not just the teenage bitch she's become since the world ended.



X-Project: An X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal




Date of Birth: APRIL 2, 1985

Powers: Creation and manipulation of ice.


Bobby Drake was sent to Xavier's by his parents, believing it was a prep school and unaware of their son's ability to create and manipulate ice. Bobby is one of the 'old timers', having been at the school for most of his adult life. He became an X-Man after the events of X2, but unknown to the rest of the school, was abducted by the shapeshifter Mystique only months later. She replaced him for several months, handing Bobby himself over to the Friends of Humanity. The switch was eventually discovered and Bobby rescued, but the trauma of what was done to him in that time was a long time healing. He embarked on a series of life paths - college, a relationship with the amnesiac and innocent Jane Doe/Cloud, a position with Nathan Dayspring's NGO, Elpis - but nothing seemed to suit. It was his tumultuous relationship with longtime school friend Theresa Cassidy that seemed to give him a firmer foothold, despite the challenges racked against it. Married in 2006 'by accident' in Las Vegas, Bobby took on the stewardship of Cassidy Keep when Sean Cassidy returned to Interpol, and obtained his teaching qualifications by correspondence. When his brother manifested shapeshifting abilities, Bobby took him back to the mansion and remained himself, realising he missed life as an X-Man. When Terry also returned, the young pair realised their marriage was in trouble and eventually separated by mutual agreement. Bobby is currently conducting an audit of the West Coast Annex's finances and spending, by request of Charles and trying to decide what to do next.

X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, we've been running since May 2003 and use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and while we accept new characters we strongly encourage people to adopt one of our orphans.

Check out the Wiki and the advertising community to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter!


[No Subject]


Looking to expand our player base!

Since its founding in 1892, Clifton has always been a town divided by its train tracks. Based on the textile industry, there are those that manage and those that work. The East side of the town consists of the Haves while the West is the home of the Have-Nots.

Though over one hundred years have passed, the town is no closer to unity. The rich stay on their side of town while the less wealthy stay on theirs though there are extremes to both social classes. Each side has their shops, their restaurants, and even their own schools. The three factories are still going strong; however, some residents are slowly spreading out to other local businesses and even commute to nearby New York City. Growth is occurring all around them even if some in Clifton are still stuck in their ways.

This past summer changed everything, however. A severe weather pattern brought the worst weather the town had seen in a century. The tornado that blew through the area reduced East Clifton High to nothing but rubble, leaving the students with nowhere to go. After arguing and debating amongst the residents of Clifton, Mayor Wilson Davis made the final call to combine East Clifton High with West Clifton High.

Few are happy with the arrangement. Not only are there years of prejudice to overcome, but there is overcrowding, biases, and even the merging of school teams causing chaos. But they've got to make it work somehow. Will the merging of the two schools unite the town once and for all, or tear them apart irreparably?

GAME BEGAN OCTOBER 8TH! Join the party!

Plot || Rules || Town Sites || Application

Character List || Organizations || PBs



[No Subject]

Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, True Blood and LOST characters are all highly sought after!

Can you

The Triangle?