Mar. 18th, 2012


WHO: Dot and Zane
WHERE: most pretentious hipster coffee shop in town
WHAT: weekly coffee date and checkup
STATUS: in-progree

call it what you want )

Mar. 13th, 2012


WHO: Rosa and Lyd
WHERE: idk all over KU
WHAT: Rosa is a mom, Lyd doesn't eat, etc
STATUS: in progress

CUT! )


WHO: Laney & Aiden
WHERE: Joust
WHAT: Drankin'
STATUS: In progress
we end up together )

Mar. 12th, 2012


To him make-believe and true were exactly the same thing~

WHO: Nick Stroud, open
WHERE: Downtown
WHAT: Trying to keep from being bored
RATING: PG, no reason atm to leave it.
STATUS: In Progress
It is all my doing. )

Mar. 7th, 2012


WHO: Harlow Colt and Andrea Colt
WHERE: At the bar where Harlow works
WHAT: Chatting and having a drink
STATUS: In progress
She's a girl that can hold her alcohol  )

Mar. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Ian and Harriette
WHERE: Knightsbridge University dormitories
WHAT: a roommate argument is broken up by an ever good samaritan
RATING: Probably nothing past PG
STATUS: In progress

'Now you're just being irrational.' )

Feb. 29th, 2012


99 Problems and a Bitch is Probably One

WHO: Kit and Harriette
WHERE: Knightsbridge Student Union cafeteria
WHAT: Kit plays dress up and happens across Harriette
RATING: PG or PG-13, I'd say.
STATUS: In progress
Today Kit was a British closet case. )



happy leap day!
start threading, y'all~