January 10th, 2011


[No Subject]

[info]theolympians . first adds after 12 apps.



[No Subject]


Benoit Lycées de Sorcellerie for boys was founded in 1735 in Dordogne France. It was established for the sons of the Wizarding Elite, during the French Revolution to keep the noble sons save from the lower classes, so they could prosper in the future.

Benoit Lycées provides a good environment to keep their students on track in their studies, while still experiencing unique opportunities in extracurricular activities, and developing learning, leadership and problem solving skills important for their future endeavours.

The curriculum is more demanding than some of the other Wizard schools, but we have capable staff that are always there to provide the help students need. At Benoit Lycées de Sorcellerie, they will become the men they are destined to be.

This is an all boy, slash friendly social game based in France. The game is set in the present year, many years after the War conflict in England. Everything is relativity peaceful in the World. But not everything can remain peaceful...

A young man Ghislain Chaisson, half wizard half veela, has Graduated from Benoit Lycées de Sorcellerie. He is assembling an inner circle, a force to aid him with his dark ambitions for the future. He is planning with his followers, and soon the world may soon face a new Dark Force.

It's half way through the school year. More mysterious and strange things will happen. What will the Gossip Rag publish next? What's happening down in the village? What scandalous affairs will start up between the students... or the professors?

Characters Alumni Professors Villagers Houses Application Rules FAQ PBs Classes Quidditch Clubs Village Relationships

Most Wanted

Open since July of 2009 and still strong!



[No Subject]

Harry, Hermione and Ron are reunited inside their camp tent, but across the British Isles there are families broken apart by the Ministry endorsing the actions of Snatchers bent on kidnapping Muggleborns. As it becomes harder and harder to publicly support the Boy Who Lived, the voices of the underground Order come through the radios turned low in sitting rooms, tucked beneath pillows, or hidden away in attics. Numbers of those pledging loyalty to the Death Eaters are on the rise as well; how long before everyone will be forced to make their true allegiance known?

The moderators are seeking players eager to write collaboratively with one another, who want a highly active yet short-term Deathly Hallows game where they can richly bring a character or two fully to life during some of their most defining moments. Could this be you?

premisecharactersrules & faqapplicationcastcalendar

We want a Lucius Malfoy, the Weasley twins, Angelina Johnson,
Ernie Macmillan, and Minerva McGonagall among others!