April 10th, 2010


[No Subject]

Wanted Lines


[No Subject]



Pokémon, short for ポケットモンスター or Pocket Monsters. They are creatures that are, each one, based on an element and are able to attack with moves from those elements. Human trainers capture, tame, train and use their own creatures to capture more and more species they find in the wild. There are 493 of them, and each one has a varying degree of usability in battle.

Realm of Light is an active rpg based on the will of wild Pokémon to remain free.

The wild is where these creatures were born to be, where they fight to remain. But that doesn't mean it's safe, or even tame compared with being caught. There is ancient darkness lingering out there...

Be a Nidoran in a warren, a Poochyena in a pack, an Ampharos in a flock, a Bulbasaur in the jungle, a Goldeen in the sea... Or anything else you'd like to try! There is definitely something for everyone.

Our stories/characters meet and interact, and face adventures, challenges and enemies in our vast mapped environment.

Realm offers RPers a very active group of creative and friendly players, and any Pokémon species are acceptable for rping. We are in our sixth year and have become the most active Pokémon RPG in YahooGroups.

Pick your favourite Pokémon and hop right into any of our ongoing stories, or start your own!

Game Info // Rules // Application
RPG Board // OOC Board


[No Subject]

Looking for someone to play against Adrienne Barbeau. All I ask is that the writer is mature, and that the celebrity you choose is over 18.

[No Subject]

Home for this guy

[No Subject]


Revelation 21:6 ☢ I am the Alpha and the Omega.

It is the year 2277 in the Capital Wasteland. Two hundred years ago, The Great War happened; who fired the first bomb, China or the United States, nobody knows, but what is known is that the resulting atomic warfare was catastrophic. For months afterward the world was engulfed in flames and chaos. Civilization and society all but collapsed.

But from the ashes, life struggled to once again find hold. Humanity, like a cockroach, persevered, though not always as it had before. Some took to joining bands of violent thugs called Raiders. Others tried to save the technology of our past and became the Brotherhood of Steel. Remains of civilization popped up to start communities like Rivet City and Megaton. The radiated, decaying masses known simply as Ghouls found their only haven in Underworld, where the ignorant populace could not judge them based on their appearance. Most simply try to survive, scraping out a living in the Wasteland as Scavengers. Life in the Capital Wasteland had been going on fairly normally, or at least what could be considered normal.

But then, a man in an unmarked vault suit came to the doors of the Citadel. Deranged and delirious, he spoke of worlds unheard of and babbled of experiments before dying two days later. An odd encounter, but not entirely unheard of, and the Brotherhood all but ignored it. Until they saw another person, this time a woman. And then another man. A group. All of these people, whether of dehydration or exhaustion, eventually died, but they had the unsettling trend of speaking of far off lands and fantastical situations before they died. The scribes were buzzing; who were these vaulties, with Pipboys and plain blue jumpsuits? What Vault had they come from? They couldn't get a straight answer from any of them. They were all too ill and died before any answers could be given.

And then, one survived.
Revelation 21:6 is a plot-driven community based panfandom rp, set in Fallout 3. We accept oc, fandom characters, or characters from the Fallout games. Reserves and applications are now open. The game opens April 26th


Mods = revelation_mods
Main =revelation216
Logs = 216_logs
OOC = 216_ooc
Crack = 216_crack

We Float: Transmetropolitan and Wild Cards crossover



In 1946, the aliens came to earth and brought with them a virus that changed everything. A virus designed to enhance the psychic powers of a race genetically identical to humans, the Wild Card virus created Earth's first metahumans, giving superpowers to aces, and deformities to jokers.

Technology hasn’t caught up to the gifts that the wild card can give, yet. That’s the new arms race: to make your own wild cards. Both the government and free science – if science can be said to be free in an age of corporate control – want that power.

Both are on the brink of getting what they want.

It has been 150 years since the virus fell like rain over New York City and over the world.


People have adapted.


Game will open with 12 accepted applications.
[info]we_float || [info]wf_ooc || [info]wf_mods
We Float Wiki || Overview || Application
Contact the mods at we-floatmods@gmail.com



[No Subject]

[info]mrstanley is now taking applications (holds of pbs) for [info]willowpoint apartments! There are plenty of spaces available (and pbs.)

I'd love to see a paparazzi to irritate this girl a little bit as well as some actors and director wannabes for her to befriend.

For more information regrading storylines wanted by our current members, please check out our forever expanding wanted storylines post.

X-Change: A Gender-Swapped Marvel Game






Drop Box


Scarlet Witch
Nick Fury
Mastermind II
Lady Mastermind
Young Avengers
Masters of Evil
Evil Characters
Welcome to the new world of Marvel, where every character that you know and love has been gender-swapped. Where everything in this already confusing world has been turned upside down and rearranged. Where some things are so different, it's hard to recognize them. And yet others... Well, some things just cannot help but stay the same, no matter what universe you're in.

Take Charlotte Xavier and Erelah Lensherr for instance. They still were great friends who had bright hopes for the future of mutant-kind. But it was together that they created the Fellowship of Mutants, a safe-haven for mutants everywhere, or it was supposed to be. That was before Xavier saw the hatred in Magnona's eyes and knew that their ideals no longer meshed, so she left.

Or take Toni Stark, inheritor of billions which eventually led to her near-death and rebirth as Iron Woman. She founded the Avengers, but who came along with her? Well, that's for you to decide.

And then there's Naomi Osborne. Driven mad by a formula gone array, she now has a thirst for power, and she understands the word subtlety. She has formed the group known as the Masters of Evil, and she has plans to become the next Mayor of New York. Will she succeed? Well, she's already in the running, so... only time will tell.

X-Change is an easy-going Marvel role-play where gender-swapping in the name of the game. Just about all characters in the Marvel universe are open for play! Get your application in today!

GAME IS OPEN. Join today.


[No Subject]


rulesapplicationholds & pendingtaken

Pandoris Agency is a supernatural game about secret agents and intrique set in present day L.A. We have been around since December. So we'd love to see some holds and apps. More werewolves and humans are needed! We love new blood. mwahaha