November 11th, 2009


[No Subject]

Salem Falls
...a psl group
A new school year is here. For the juniors and seniors, this has become a routine for them. They've 'been there' and 'done that'. Most have already sent in their college applications while others have decided to take a separate route in life. Graduation is right aroud the corner, and they're eager to finally put this chapter of high school life behind them. For the sophomores and even more so for the freshmen, this 'life' is still new to them. They're still adjusting to all the new changes and differences. There's so many new things to try, so many new memories to make and so little time. If their parents were able to survive high school, they should be able to too, right? It couldn't honestly be that hard right? Right?

Wrong. While most of the population of Salem Falls have lived their lives completely oblivious to the town's dark secret, there are a select few that don't. Those select few individuals, even some families, are directly tied to that secret world, while others are just starting to realize the truth. Summer has passed and with each new year brings a change. For some, a new tan, a new fling, or a recently broken up couple that want to start fresh. For others... this change can be a lot more drastic and difficult to adjust to than they realized. What secrets are lurking behind those shadows? Or rather... What secrets are your closest friends, family members and even enemies trying their hardest to keep hidden? How far will they go to keep those secrets? What are they willing to risk to do so? [info]salemfalls is a psl group where writers are encouraged to focus on character developmet. To flesh out relationships with their characters and see how their choices effect their struggle to keep the truth unknown. Some could potentially damage their ties to the ones they hold dear while others might strengthen those bonds. Only you can decide where your life and maybe even for some, unlife takes you...

[No Subject]


What happens when the Inmates really
DO run the asylum?

Alcatraz Asylum is an age 18+ Role Playing game where the
inmates of a Maximum Security Asylum take over their prison,
and run it themselves. Why? Why would they keep up the
illusion that everything is FINE at Alcatraz Asylum instead
of escaping and running away? It's very simple. They are in
control of everything now. If they were to run, they would
be caught. Most have tracing devices implanted on them just
in case of that situation. If they stay, and bond together,
keep the Asylum running apparently as before... They are in
control of their lives, and anyone else on the island.

Not everyone goes along with this plan after the riot of
course, and they have paid the price at the hands of
sadistic and amoral criminals. Those that ally themselves
with the new regime, find power and freedom they never knew
before. Guards and Staff change sides either to escape life
on the mainland, or out of fear. Those that don't, disappear
into the chilly depths of San Francisco Bay. The most
dangerous of inmates now stalk the halls holding the keys
and the weapons that previously kept them in line, and
locked away in darkness. Which side will you be on? Is there
even more than one?

PB Holds are for 48 hours.

Taken FacesApplication


[No Subject]


The Premise | The Rules | The Cast | Application | Available Characters |

It had been a harsh, cold winter for many in the small village. But, weren't they all? No matter, it would always be worth the cold and the snow when spring crept back around the corner. The flowers would begin to bloom again. The fields would show green once more. And life would start afresh and anew- at least, for all but one.

Moritz Steifel had failed. Despite working so hard to pass and with all the help Melchior Gabor had offered, the young man found himself in an impossible predicament. Failure was not an option in the Steifel household- or in any household in their small village. It would be a black scar on his families name. One that his father could never erase. He had no choice, but to escape. He had to way or another. So, Moritz threw away his last bit of pride and wrote to Frau Gabor. She would understand. She always understood 'her boys' as she'd referred to her son and his best friend so affectionately.

Days passed before he received a response. Days filled with anxious passing and darker thoughts. And then, one morning there it was. A letter! The envelope was heavier than the boy had expected but, to his surprise and astonishment, it was because inside was a fulfillment of his request and a letter bearing only six words: Be safe. God be with you.

It was a simple blessing, but it was hope for a new life for the young man.
Little could he know, it also meant a change in the winds of fate for all who knew him. He set off to Berlin that very day, stealing away in the early afternoon as his father worked. He did not bid his friends farewell, despite his desire to do so. He would only send one last letter to his best friend, informing him of his fate- a fate that lay across the ocean in a land he'd only read about in books.

New York City. Melchior had to read the letter twice before the reality of what his best friend had done set in. He knew not where Moritz had gained such the means to travel. Nor did he know what fate America would hold in store for him, though the other boy had promised to write as soon as he arrived. A strange sense of sadness and relief filled his heart. New York. Melchi secretly envied his friend. To set off on such an adventure! In a land filled with liberal ideas and free thinkers. He would ponder what sort of men a free society would create. He'd read tales of life in the 'States'...and how, in that land, men could shape their own destinies and truly be equal and free. Where it did not matter what you believed of God or where you were born.

Of course, it was to be expected that his thoughts would dwell to how he might fare in such a place when a voice broke his concentration- a female voice. Melchior turned to find Wendla staring up at him...and he forgot everything else save the innocent child who'd found him alone in that hayloft.

As you can probably assess from the narrative above, this is an AU Spring Awakening game based on a single change to the play and the consequences that follow. Our premise assumes that Moritz was granted the money to go to America by Melchior's mother, and thus never committed suicide. This chain of events will eventually lead his classmates to follow their friend to New York City for the hope of a new life in America.

Both canon and original characters are welcome in game. Because the game will (eventually) be placed in Little Germany, NYC circa 1892, there is plenty of room for all sorts of new characters to interact with our cast- from all over the world, in fact. New York City was a thriving, exciting, and dangerous place that millions flocked to to start over, so the possibilities are truly endless!

Most wanted:Anna, Thea, Otto, and Hans!! We also need OCs! Since this is a game that takes place mostly in the late 19th century, New York, Original Characters from around the world are encouraged.



Darkest Days: An Original Mob-based PB Game


::The Game::
Premise | Characters | Taken/Held | Locations | Family Positions | Wanted
Rules | FAQs | Application

::Members Only::
Contact List | Friend All

In Character | Out of Character | Storylines | Mod Journal

Adds: As Needed


still active, come play with us!


The Kingdom of Frell is at peace.

Though the so-called Golden Age of King Char and Queen Ella is long over- so long ago now that few are still alive who can remember it- life continues on much as it ever did. Merchants travel the lands far and wide, finding new and exotic goods to bring back to Greenville, the town just outside the royal palace. Greenville's markets are thriving, and most of the town's inhabitants pay little mind to the castle looming in the distance.

That is, of course, until The Gray Death appears. There is no known cure. Sufferers initially feel very weak, and are soon not even able to get out of bed. Overcome by fever, their complexions turn gray and they die. Still, Greenville believes it is safe- there are just rumors of the illness, and being so close to the castle, they're safe, right?


The illness knows no boundaries, a fact that is brought starkly to light when the King of Frell contracts the disease and dies a short time later. The King leaves behind a land in limbo- his wife, the Queen, is trying her level best to keep power from the hands of their immature son. Heroes search for a cure, trying to avenge their fallen King. Life in Greenville continues on, if a bit more cautiously. Life in the court, however, is marked by ambition and intrigue. Courtiers' motives are far from pure, and ambitions are on the rise. No one is sure who will emerge victorious.

Happily ever after was never a guarantee.

Fair is an original character role playing game inspired by Ella Enchanted, Fairest, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine. The game takes place in the world created by those books, but no canon knowledge is required or expected. All fantasy characters welcomed!

Character ListRulesApplication

ModeratorThreading Community

[No Subject]

where are all the good homes?

[No Subject]

[info]consorts adds are tomorrow night

[No Subject]





[No Subject]

We Are All Family Here!

Drop Box/FAQ ~ Premises ~ Rules ~ Application ~ Wanted/Hold Characters ~ Taken Characters ~

Family. Everyone wants one, but not everyone wants the one they have. Some are born alone in the world, some loose what semblance of a family they have through divorce, death, or distance. But not all families are blood relatives. The most curious types of families that come together because of a common attitude, interest, or goals. They find each other because they need the comforts of family and an ideal that will stick them together when other families would crumble apart. The loyalty and devotion to this new family entity becomes so strong in these cases that outsiders don’t quite understand what’s really going on.

After seeing the world around him reject him for what he was, Samuel looked for others like him, others who knew what it was like to be an outcast but no longer wanted that lifestyle for themselves. The family came first, and then the carnival was created so they could live, work, and thrive together. The carnival gave them a way to show off what others found horrifying – their abilities. It isn’t all fun and games though at the carnival – there is hard work and everyone has to do their part, but when you’re family, you do things for others that you might not do on your own.

A commitment to this carnival is a commitment to being in the family. It isn’t always easy to join the family, but it’s even harder to leave. Most never want to though, who would give up the chance of a lifetime – to be wanted, needed even, and be able to truly be themselves?


[No Subject]


Drop Box/FAQ ~ Premises ~ Rules ~ Application ~ Wanted/Hold Characters ~ Taken Characters

[info]fated_times is calling for all Heroes, Villains, and the in-between in the Heroes fandom.

Come join us in the year 2014, with hopes of creating an even stronger military force, Sylar locates a child with a very special power and in attempts to use and control it he nearly kills the girl and disrupts the time space continuum, causing people to appear from different times both in the past and future all throughout the world. And people’s fears of these new people seem to be very well rooted – an overwhelming majority of these new people have abilities.

The world is in disarray, the things that President Petrelli has vouched for and tried so hard to show others that he make a reality are falling apart and the world is reluctant to rally behind him. Now is the time for a resistance to surge, but will there be someone who would dare to oppose President Petrelli? The world is waiting for a hero, and beginning to suspect that the villains aren’t the ones they’ve always been expecting. Where will their allegiance lie when the cards have fallen? No one is certain, but the only thing that people can decipher is that these are fated times.

We dare you to see how your character will prevail?

OC and AU children from Heroes lineup are also welcome.



[No Subject]

CHERUB was created for one reason, and one reason only - adults never suspect that children are spying on them.

It all began with a suggestion made by British agent Charles Henderson in the late 80s--by 1992 the government began adopting and training orphans in private facilities. Thus Project CHERUB had begun: child agents.

Now these child agents, aged between ten and seventeen, are being placed under the guardianship of senior agents and relocated to Pleasant Valley, Pennsylvania. Population: just enough to consider it a town. There, these agent "families" must assimilate into suburbia and live the lives of normal everyday civilians.

But they're not normal, far from it. They're adolescent and teenage spies, assassins, recovery agents--

For official purposes, these children do not exist..

Project Cherub is a small town game set in Pleasant Valley, Pennsylvania--focusing on the lives and interactions of cherubs; the fruits of Project CHERUB, child agents relocated there as they are sent out on missions, given assignments, and struggle with the ever day ups and downs of the public education system, guardians; the government agents assigned to observe, guard, and "raise" their assigned cherub by posing as family, and civilians; who have no idea just how strange the "new kids" on the block really are.



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[info]hollywoodgrind!!! ADDS TONIGHT! Many popular faces available! Holds come back!



[No Subject]


Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe. The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all the time. Some of them have no idea how they came to arrive, and some can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.




[No Subject]





Most Needed Characters

IT WAS a nice fall day in August when an owl came fluttering through an open window and into the home of Harry and Ginny Potter. The message was of a confusing nature, announcing an alumni celebration for Harry's graduating class. Their presence was requested back at Hogwarts, saying they were to be accompanied by the surviving staff from their year. Intrigued, Ginny quickly sent an owl to Hermione, cementing her suspicions that it wasn't just a rouse to get Harry out in the open. It seems as though there were invitations going out to everyone in their class. After much convincing, Harry finally caved and agreed to attend the celebration with his wife.

On the night of the ball, everyone arrived at Hogwarts with high expectations. Getting to reconnect with old friends and Ron Weasley was even enjoying the thought of getting in a good tussle with Draco Malfoy now that he could swing a good punch or two. The Great Hall was decorated for a beautiful occasion, and all the girls who arrived were in awe. They mingled for a while, thinking it odd that none of the staff were there before them. It was only once the former faculty arrived, looking rather lost and confused, themselves that confusion and worry began to arise. However, they weren't left much time to panic. The minute Minerva McGonagall set foot in the room, being the last of the staff to arrive, the doors slammed shut, locking them all inside. With a large whirl, they were drawn from the time, itself.

Landing in a grimy street seconds later, many of the former students wretched on the pavement after the violent travel. Looking around, they found themselves face-to-face with an unfamiliar world. What stood before them, looming like a lion about to feast, stood Britain. It was in ruins. There were scarce buildings to be seen and most of the streets seemed to be doused in blood. Scared and suddenly alone, the group trudged on to see what horror awaited them.

GAME BEGAN ON AUGUST 23RD. Join the fun!


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casa for Khloe Kardashian?