June 29th, 2008


A Pirates RPG


Many canon characters available, but we're looking for original characters as well!

[No Subject]

The Darwin Effect

The Darwin Effect
"In the survival of favoured individuals and races, during the constantly-recurring struggle for existence, we see a powerful and ever-acting form of selection.” --Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin only touched the tip of the iceberg when he spoke of the process of natural selection. He merely considered the process in relation to the simplicity of existence. But natural selection has gone far beyond its original purpose. No longer does it speak to survival, but superiority. As the human race continues its dominance of the civilized world, natural selection has transformed into something most would consider unnatural.

Super powers.

The Darwin Effect is an AU Heroes roleplay where the Heroes universe is open to interpretation. The plot of the television show holds as little ground as the players wish it to (save for The Company, so there is some sort of instigator for game play). Relationships and deaths are null and void; any and all characters may cross paths. Simply put, play Heroes the way you want to.

The Darwin Effect: Natural selection will take its course.

At this time, all canon characters and OCs are being accepted and encouraged.

We are greatly in need of Noah Bennet, Mohinder Suresh, Bob Bishop, Sylar and/or Adam Monroe.

& Rules
& Application
& Character List
& Contact Information
& Roleplay Community
& OOC Community

Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide

[No Subject]


Club Dionysus is more than your average New York City night club. It is a place that members can go to any day of the week, at any time. The members at Club Dionysus are interested in something most Americans are not. S&M, D/s, and several hundred other kinks. Think your master can dominate the slaves? Think your slave can handle what the masters throw at them? Then this is the place for them.

001. The rules.
002. The layout.
003. The staff positions.
004. The member directory.
005. The claims list.
006. The taken and held.
007. The application.

The Communities
[info]masterbradford; the mod journal.
[info]clubdionysus; the main community.
[info]dionysuslogs; the logs/threads community.
[info]dionysusooc; the out of character community.
[info]dionysussls; the story line community.

[No Subject]

Come and check out [info]mifflindunder via [info]thisiscorporate, for a brand new RP based off The Office.

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Image Hosted by ImageShack.usAre you somewhere between Harry Potter games and PB? Looking for a place to put a Harry Potter character and not be restricted by preset game or character plots? Want someplace to just relax and have some fun? Then Both Sides of London is the right place for you!

• Third year, Trio-Era.
• Slash/Het friendly.
• Original and canon characters accepted.
• Opens once we get 15 applications.


[No Subject]

Austening RPG ad )



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[info]chicago_scene plenty of pb's available, easy application, friendly players

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[info]therumormill loads of pbs and premades still up for grabs!

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While we're looking for alien life in space, we forget that more than 70% of the world's ocean floor is still unexplored. Submarine creatures linger at the bottom of the sea and not all of them are earthly. Ruth Marshall will have you think there are aliens down there. Of course, Marshall has been working on underwater oil rigs all her life. Maybe the pressure is finally getting to her. Maybe she's lost her marbles on the last descent. Regardless, you're not really going to listen to her, are you? After all, there's a paycheck involved if you go down there.

A paycheck - and a job that could cost you your life.

| Premise | Rules | Taken/Held | Application |

[No Subject]

[Aiode Falls]
A pan-fandom | OC-friendly | good vs. evil | college town based RP.

Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And universe.

Originally founded by Rosiel and Leading Player, they have since abandoned their creation, leaving it to its own fate. It has grown tremendously in size, and grows darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intent.

All sorts of beings are drawn to the town - humans, mutants, werewolves, vampires, aliens, ghosts, even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game as both sides subconsciously prepare. There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can win, which side will it be?

"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war." Albert Einstein


Profile Codes

[No Subject]



Magic has always been around, simply kept hidden from the unsuspecting mortals. Witches, wizards, shapeshifters, and hunters all existed beneath our nose, fighting amongst one another like baited bears. And, eventually, numbers dwindled between both the Witches and the Shapeshifters that they could be banished to one spot for the hunters to better keep an eye on them, and only watch, for a treaty signed to keep them from dying out completely.

New Zealand, made up of two islands, was the perfect location. Witches to the north, shapeshifters to the south, the hunters set up a head-quarters and began to watch. Until the treaty was broken. And now the witches, lead by their council, and the shapeshifters, lead by their alphas, began to join forces against the cruel hunters. A war is brewing in the beautiful hills of New Zealand, now, hidden to the mortal eye.

Are you ready?



[No Subject]

[info]thedean. we need more males and we especially need some staff. no females are being accepted at the moment.

I would love to see a jazz band/symphony orchestra instructor, as well as a soccer coach. Both will have close, but non romantic, relationships with this girl.



When the War Came


When the War Came
| Game Information, Resources & Rules | Taken & Available Characters | Apply |

[No Subject]




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Hidden deep within the myths and obstructions is real magic — the characters on whom those morals were based are still very much alive.
In one form or another, anyway. After all, with humanity comes free will...

the game - cast holds resources
for applying - backstory guidelines allowed tales application
for members - contact list friend-all
communities - in character out of character grimmeme

[No Subject]


[No Subject]


Fortunes & Dust


The World Such As It Was:

The climate changed, the world warmed, the oceans rose. What was once coast is now undersea. What was once forest is desert and dust. What was once Australia is now Van Demon's Land, where the days are hot and the weather extreme.

The world plunged into a second Dark Age. Many died; the few that survived now eke our their existence in struggling townships. The Church now rule the land, spreading superstition and fear amongst the people to keep them under control. The nuclear reactors failed and spewed their waste across the land, forever altering those it touched in both horrific and marvellous ways.

The World Such As It Is:

In the small bustling harbour town of Morpeth, a travelling carnival rolls into town. The dust kicked up by the wagon wheels has barely settled when most of the folk desert the carnival in droves, leaving only the Ringmaster, the Fortune Teller, A Roustie and Management to pitch the big top. Around town signs appear - "Wanted: Carnivale. Riggers, Rousties, Performers." The carnival is now forced to remain in Morpeth, until it can replenish it's numbers.

The World Such As It Will Be:

As the ships come into port they bring with them fresh folk for the carnival. Riggers and Rousties, Performers and Freaks. Daily life continues, despite the growing whispers and murmurs. What secrets lie in the carnival's past? Who are the management and what are they hiding? How long can the troupe continue to avoid the threat of The Church's Inquisition?


Rules | Wanted Characters | Player Guide | Holds and Applications | Characters

[No Subject]


Club Dionysus is more than your average New York City night club. It is a place that members can go to any day of the week, at any time. The members at Club Dionysus are interested in something most Americans are not. S&M, D/s, and several hundred other kinks. Think your master can dominate the slaves? Think your slave can handle what the masters throw at them? Then this is the place for them.

001. The rules.
002. The layout.
003. The staff positions.
004. The member directory.
005. The claims list.
006. The taken and held.
007. The application.

The Communities
[info]masterbradford; the mod journal.
[info]clubdionysus; the main community.
[info]dionysuslogs; the logs/threads community.
[info]dionysusooc; the out of character community.
[info]dionysussls; the story line community.

[No Subject]


Hey there!
My name is Sarah, and I'm hoping to make the transition from Harry Potter games to originals. That being said, I'm not quite sure what type I want, but I'd rather stay away from those involving supernatural elements. That just wouldn't be a very significant switch.

I'd definitely like to stay in present day. I've seen a lot of science fiction games out there, which certainly do look very interesting, but I'm honestly not sure I'm ready for those yet. Maybe one set in an office or school? I'm up for other places- just leave a comment if you think I might be interested.

Please, though, don't give me games that have been around for ages or have tons of characters. I've seen a lot of interesting concepts only to navigate to the cast list and be confronted with over 50 faces. 10-20 characters is ideal for me, but a game that is still in the planning process would be even more perfect.

Thanks for reading!


[No Subject]


|Premise| Rules/Questions| Characters| Cast Page| Application|

We all know the story of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen of the Twilight series. We know the struggles they encountered, the obstacles they overcame, the love they felt for each other which was stronger and more important than anything else. We felt as if we were a part of their journey from Twilight to Eclipse and beyond.

But what if the roles were reversed?

What is Bella was the vampire and Edward was the human?

Perfect Paradigm RPG is an AU Twilight game where Bella Cullen is a vegetarian vampire living in the Cullen coven in Forks, Washington and Edward Masen is a human, just moving to town because of his father’s job transfer. Edward’s blood calls out to Bella and she finds herself falling for much more than his scent.

Join us on a journey is seeing what would happen if the story of Twilight was reversed, was a paradigm of what it is now. Will love conquer all?

Our game starts at the beginning of Twilight with Edward Masen moving to the small town of Forks, Washington with his mother and father. Bella and the Cullens are students at Forks High and just like in the novel, when Bella first encounters Edward, his blood sings to her, calls to her. The storyline will remain relatively the same, same general events (i.e. the crash in the parking lot, Port Angeles, baseball) playing out with reversed roles with the players deciding what actually happens in each of them.


[No Subject]


The world is dead.

In 2145 the planet known as Earth was disintegrated by an asteroid which astronomers had reportedly known about for months. Due to an increase in Space Exploration, Colonies had already formed on other planets with the most popular being Vega, but most of the human population still resided on Earth and was wiped out the second the asteroid hit.

Cutting a long story short, settlements on the new home planet Vega lasted seventy years until a fresher band of planets called to offer a better home. Many were forced to stay on Vega after either not fitting criteria or due to their jobs - some stayed of their own free will. Vega lay forgotten, with no communication.

Until one little spark was sent out into space, crossing the galaxies and constellations directly to Vega’s comms room; a signal of distress, a call for help on behalf of the rest of humanity…

“Vega… Vega, receive us… this is an emergency….”

Calling Vega is a new community, fresh and ready for new players and characters to join before its official opening.

See [info]callingvega for all your info needs.

[No Subject]


s n u f f b o x
you've read the book.
now play the game

character listpb listrulespremiseapplicationtimeline

[No Subject]


I N F I N I T U S : a multi game community.
not panfandom.
mod » the IC » the OOC
info » the games » characters » join infinitus

Infinitus is a place for roleplayers who love to roleplay in a community environment but do not one the usual constraints of a community. There is no up-date limit, you will never be removed for the lists unless you want to be. Beyond the first example there is no need for applications, no need you can prove you can do such and such character.

Hopefully Infinitus will build into a place where you're writing skills are pushed, where you find friends and loved characters. Many types of games are held here from the supernatural to the sci-fi and bullet dodging action. No game you like? We welcome all stories to the roster.


[No Subject]


CONTACT locked

It’s just like before. You continue to wake up every morning with the worlds worst hang over. You either cringe or laugh at your antics from the previous evening – most of the time you’re cringing. When drinking is concerned it beats Hogwarts hands down – you can actually walk up to a bar and order without puffing up your chest and putting on a deep voice.

But nothing is as simple. You can no longer walk the streets with a carefree stride and why is this? It’s because you’re no longer safe and protected. Your wand is constantly kept in your pocket, there and ready for an attack. IT'S NOTHING LIKE YOU EXPECTED, LIVING IN THE REAL WORLD


[No Subject]

Could I get a Hayden Panettiere over at [info]fp_mod I have a (couple) storyline for you!