Posts Tagged: 'location:+library'

Jun. 23rd, 2012


[No Subject]

WHEN: Friday, June 23, 9 pm
WHERE: Library
WARNINGS: None yet!

Nick was pouring through a huge stacks that the librarian had recommended to him. )

Jun. 10th, 2012


[No Subject]

WHO: Sebastian and Blaine
WHEN: Thursday, 7 June, afternoon
WHERE: Library
WARNINGS: None yet!

Sebastian practically skipped into the library after his last class, looking for a Transfiguration textbook and feeling more cheerful than he had all week. The glee club had just decided on a set list for Nationals and he had half a song to himself, less than he'd asked for but more than he'd expected.

He was about to head over to the R-T section when he caught sight of Blaine sitting hunched over an essay at a table in the corner. He paused, turning to walk in his direction instead. They weren't exactly friends, but they certainly knew each other, and it looked like they were going to be spending a fair amount of time together for the next four or five days.

"Anderson," he drawled, sliding into the seat across from his and accidentally-on-purpose jostling Blaine's writing hand. "Excited to be singing with me this weekend?"

May. 25th, 2012


Open Thread: Studying in the Library

Who: Sam and OPEN
Where: Library
When: Friday afternoon
Warning: None so far

It's been a hard day's night )