August 4th, 2010



You Can Stand Under My Umbrella

Who: Brenna and Draven
Where: Streets of Vegas
When: Early Afternoon - August 2

Brenna walked the pavement beneath a shower of rain that was starting to drench her outfit and wet her long blond hair. Arms were wrapped loosely around her waist as she moved with the falling rain mixing with her tears to stain her cheeks. This was probably the hardest day for the future!kid of Bronte and Grant Kellerman to deal with ever since she had travelled back to the time and place in the past. In this time she had her parents, though they were a younger version of the folks she had known. But what this place lacked was the boyfriend she had been involved with for almost a year. And though they had shared many a happy times together the moments that continued to stand out in her mind the past couple of days was the last time they saw each other. Which was as far from sunshine and roses as one could get.

Told you I'll be here forever )