July 12th, 2010



[No Subject]

Who: Bridget and Ashleigh
Where: The Pasta Shop and Ristorante
When: Evening - Sunday, July 4

Bridget had made arrangements with Ashleigh for them to meet up at a place off the main strip in Vegas. Arriving a couple minutes ahead of her date, Bridget, dressed casually in t-shirt and jeans secured a table for them. And while she waited for Ashleigh she checked her phone for any missed messages.

Ashleigh arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later, clad in dark blue jeans and a patterned white, V-neck blouse (that was about as casual as she got, in all honesty) and smiled as she approached the other woman. "I'm sorry I'm late," she murmured in her sultry accent. She prided herself on being on time, so it was no surprise to see her a little pouty.

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