Jan. 25th, 2012


MEME #5.

So there's nothing happening on the plot post until the big ball so while we're all waiting, here's a meme, ya'll!
  • Post a comment with your character's name in the subject line. Then, characters can reply giving them a list of three characters, and out of those, they have to decide who they would shag, marry, or AK.
And as usual everything that goes on in the meme won't apply in game! Enjoy!

Jan. 18th, 2012


MEME #4.

Yaaaaaay. A meme for everyone because we love you loads and because we said so.
  • So. It's interview time, and your character needs to answer all these questions or they die. Well, they won't die but they will fail hard. Here's the questions:
    1. Who your favorite person? (Your character can only choose one person, and they must be in game).
    2. What is one of your deep dark secrets?
    3. What is your most prized possession?
    4. What do you fear most of all?
This meme is completely IC and nothing discovered here transfers in game, so be as candid as you wish.

Jan. 10th, 2012


MEME #3.

A meme for you all tonight, one that is loved to the ends of the earth.
  • Photo meme! Basically, your character can posts all their cherished photographs and tell a bit about them e.g. where they're kept. For more fun, you can run them through Poladroid first. Characters can respond, talk about how ugly they look, demand to know why there's no photo of them, etc.
This meme is completely IC and nothing discovered here transfers in game, so be as candid as you wish.

Dec. 22nd, 2011


MEME #2.

Since our last meme was quite flawless, here's another one for you all!
  • Your character is stuck on a deserted island and he or she could only bring 3 things. What would they be?
This meme is completely IC and nothing discovered here transfers in game, so be as candid as you wish.

Also! The October Plot Post is up! So go check it out and claim spots for your characters!

Dec. 17th, 2011


MEME #1.

Because Kristine told me to we just opened and we promised a meme, here it is! The most cliche and overused meme in the history of the world.
  • Your character has taken veritaserum, and it's question time. Reply below with your character's name in the subject line so other characters can ask the questions they're dying to know.
This meme is completely IC and nothing discovered here transfers in game, so be as candid as you wish.

February 2012



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