September 27th, 2008

[info]bredinadunstan in [info]veritaserum_ooc


Basically like answering machines-- the name Inbox is just because I couldn't think of a clever wizarding equivalent. Any ideas?

Anyways, let's get to business.

What is the purpose of an inbox?
Sometimes, if your character isn't friendly, or on the flip side, unfriendly enough, it's hard to make a comment on another character's journal entry or to ask them for a thread.

These inboxes are the equivalent of Facebook wall messages-- just random little hellos and pointless messages that characters can engage in. This allows them to build a sort of comfortable rapport without the pressure of a thread or trying to find random relevance to the person's journal entry. I know I have thought to myself, "Draco wouldn't even bother responding to this." And people shouldn't be punished for wanting to stay in character in that sense, but this is will provide another way of activity. Anonymous messages may be left too, of course under your respective accounts so the player knows who left them. So you can leave anonymous love messages and hate letters, as well. (Forgive me if this little information session doesn't make sense-- I'm tying this up as I'm on the phone with somebody @_@).

ALSO, some players are hard to find on AIM. People can leave OOC messages in these inboxes to coordinate threads and the like.

Where do I put the inbox?
Make a journal entry, and you can make your own little "answering machine" message. Edit the date so that it's not the year 2008, make it like the year 2020, so that the journal entry stays at the top. This way, when people go to your journal to leave a message, it's easily accessible at the top.

Make the subject: Inbox (unless we change the name of course), and the message can be up to you. For example, Draco's might be "Piss off."

What will it look like?
Click here for an example of an Inbox-- I made one for Bredina. I also remember that in Greatestjournal, our old host, some of our players really put a lot of wonderful effort into their journal layouts, but these efforts went unnoticed because people never had a reason to directly visit other people's journals. So this is just an added perk for people who like to fiddle around with these things. We have a lot of talented members in our group right now too, so for those who want to spruce up their journal entry, it's a wonderful way to chat up some of your fellow RPers!

Further information.
There are a lot of overlaps between journal entries and inbox messages, I understand. You could just write in someone's journal, "oh I want to have coffee with you." But this separates the relevant journal comments from the idle chit chat (that IS important to the three dimensional-ness of an RP). Also, if someone hasn't made a journal entry in a while, it's odd to hunt back and comment on something they wrote three weeks ago, whereas this is like an always active message center of sorts.

This will be a tertiary form of communication between characters, but will open up a few present obstacles.

That's all I can think of for now-- but everyone just make sure to put up your inbox by the end of the week.

xo ingrid

August 2011

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