August 31st, 2008

[info]strangeroddy in [info]veritaserum_ooc

Guys just a reminder:

TAG ALL YOUR THREADS/OWLS with the names of BOTH characters involved

Plot beginning tommorrow :D

[info]megsy in [info]veritaserum_ooc



A - means that your character has NOT completed this aspect of RP activity within the last two weeks (since August 16th).
A x means you're good to go in that respect
A N means your character is not necessarily expected to complete this aspect (at least for the past two weeks).

Threads : Journals : Commenting

Hannah Abbott: x:x:x
Terry Boot x:x:x
Aidan Chambers x:x:x
Spencer Capper x:-:x
Michael Corner -:x:x
Roger Davies x:-:x
Bredina Dunstan -:-:-
Seamus Finnigan x:x:x
Hermione Granger x:-:x
Daphne Greengrass x:-:x
Megan Jones x:-:x
Lee Jordan -:x:x
Luna Lovegood -:x:x
Ernie Macmillan x:x:x
Draco Malfoy x:-:x
Seth Moon –:x:x
Theodore Nott x:x:x
Parvati Patil x:-:x
Padma Patil x:x:x
Sally Ann Perks x:x:x
Adrian Pucey x:x:x
Demelza Robins -:-:-
Alicia Spinnett x:x:x
Christopher Warrington x:-:x
George Weasley x:x:x
Ginny Weasley -:-:-
Ron Weasley x:x:x


Severus Snape x:N:N
Rabastan Lestrange x:N:N
Rodolphus Lestrange x:N:N
Narcissa Malfoy x:N:N
Mafalda Hopkirk x:N:x
Nymphadora Tonks -:x:x

IF your character has 2/3 or 3/3 well done, keep it up, and if you can, please increase to 3/3, ESPECIALLY if your 2/3 doesn't include a thread.

As for Commenting, you get a full score on commenting if you put up a journal entry and replied to the comments you received. THAT IS IMPORTANT.

ONE WEEK GRACE is provided for everyone to EITHER:

Get 1/3 IF the 1 is a complete thread
or 2/3 otherwise, which means commenting on others journals as well to a decent extent.

If extremely busy, let us know ASAP.

If you notice, the overwhelming majority of you guys have been active! Good job guys :D Keep it up!

[info]iwriteinlavendr in [info]veritaserum_ooc

Greetings! My name is Sarah and I present you the Lavender Brown. Lavender is currently working as the Editor-in-Chief of Witch Weekly Magazine which she got by obliviating her former editor and sending her off to Madagascar and has been up to a bit of mischief. She takes her new position very seriously and I plan on making Witch Weekly posts from time to time so if you'd ever like your character exploited in some way, let me know! Kidding. Sort of.

Anywayyy all of Lavender's information is in the profile. She's really quite entertaining, but I'd imagine not everyone would find her so charming these days. Lavender is in need of friends, enemies, flings, boys, frenemies, etc. so feel free to hit me up at AIM: SarahhhC315.

I'm always up for plotting so don't be shy! :]

August 2011

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