August 26th, 2008

[info]thewavesfall in [info]veritaserum_ooc

And I'm spamming the OOC. But OH WELL. MJ again, with my newest character, Ernie MacMillan. He was in Hufflepuff, best known for his Prefect years/fantastic marks in school. He's really very easy to get along with, so long as you're not screwing around with one of his mates or saying something that's obviously going to piss him off. He's been living in New Zealand, working as a sort of marine biologist, but with, you know, mermaids and all of those fun magical sea creatures. There was this big family drama before he left home because his Dad wanted him to be a Healer for, like, his entire life, but Ernie was like "sorry, dad, but I don't want to" which...yeah, was not something that went down very well with ol' William, so after a big dispute after his graduation Ernie took off and hasn't been home [or in the country, for that matter] since. But recently his mother committed suicide, so feel free to have your kidlets hear about that in the paper or something. He'll be staying with his uncle for a while as a kind of post funeral recovery period, so if anyone wants to chill out with Ernie, he'll have plenty of free time so long as he's not sulking.

And I have a massive history thing written up, so I'll do as much whenever I put up his profile.

August 2011

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