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[20 Feb 2014|12:10am]

Why do I got fruity wine, almost dead flowers with funny looking ribbons, and boy shirts all gathered up in my room like I was trying to wrap them up as presents? Did I get presents or is it someone's birthday? I don't remember getting none of this stuff?

Was I drinking and forgot or something?

Demigods [19 Feb 2014|04:38pm]

Annabeth, you are a GENIUS.

Davina loved the scavenger hunt that I made all by hand, and it led to the lake where we had a picnic and ate and we swam and I tried to propose but she said no so maybe next time but other than that, it was the...


Luke, I will lose spectacularly for you and Cora. Just tell me when and where!

NOW I need to come up with something even more awesome and epic for tomorrow.

Bonnie [19 Feb 2014|12:32pm]

Where is my girl today? Best experiment by far

[18 Feb 2014|07:58pm]

Well...I seem to be unaffected by this thing.

Is this normal for an experiment? This...messing with your mind?

Maybe if it's like a simulation I can get out of them all together

Tris, you okay?

[18 Feb 2014|06:09pm]

Gift for Davina )


I hope you liked what I got you. I was going to name them Dav and Ina, but Annabeth said those were stupid names, so I figured I should let you name them. They're both girls and really easy to take care of. But I can get you a boy if you want, you know, more.

You just look so sad sometimes and lonely, and I don't want you to be lonely. That's why I'm here, to always be by your side, and I'm never leaving it. We're forever ❤❤❤. With two fish now, too! Practically a family!

[18 Feb 2014|05:22pm]

For my Darling Cora

Cora, your beauty is like the sky
All blue and bright and big
Your eyes are round like pies
And you're sweet just like a fig.

Oh my darling Cora
How I adora
There's no life befora
Lovely lovely Cora.

[OOC: Luke is not a poet. Luke does not do words. Luke is, in fact, perhaps the worst poet ever. XD.

[18 Feb 2014|02:51pm]

left for Felicity on her bed )

Reasons My Brother is Awful for Felicity
-He is always full of excuses for not being with a girl, but it always boils down to Oliver Queen is bad at relationships.
-His face is sort of weirdly square. You guys have noticed that, right?
-He is vain.
-When I was little he broke into my nursery and poked me to make me cry. Oliver Queen makes children cry.
-He won't let her have nice things she likes.
-Sometimes when I see him at home it looks like he's just washed off eye makeup.
-He disappears a lot too, at weird times.
-When you combine the two above points you have to admit there's like a 90% chance that he's a cross-dresser.
-He'd make a really ugly cross-dresser.
-She is clearly better off with me.

Filtered: People not in the Experiment [18 Feb 2014|03:15pm]

So, have any of the people who are struck by this love spell done anything dangerous yet?

Should we be worried about this going to any sort of extreme? Has any other experiment been like this, enough to at least compare the two?


Thally, why did you put a dead animal outside of Simon's door? And please tell me you're not going to do it again?

Luke, have you had your arms ripped off by the werewolf girl yet?

Percy, Davina said she'd keep you safe. How's the jaw/mouth?

Have any of you realized this is an experiment yet?


Are you trying to cheer me up about Percy with food? Please tell me that's all this is because you seem to be relatively normalish so far and I need someone who isn't insane right now Because it's not a bad plan, really. I am kind of starving. And I can't eat all of this by myself, so if you want to eat too you can pout about how much this love experiment sucks with me?

You have to tell me what the note means too, I was able to make out that it's something about love and life. What's it actually mean completely?

Cleo [18 Feb 2014|01:44pm]

I've been looking since we talked, but I can't catch her scent. Combined with the bed disappearing...I think she went home. I haven't given up, I'll keep going out once a day, but for now I have to come back and deal with some of the crazy in the cabin.

Do you want me to come by the gym?

Filtered FROM Percy [18 Feb 2014|02:46pm]

Is anyone here missing a boy name Percy? I think that Management is messing with him because he's convinced he's in love with me and I've only met him once. I don't want anyone to be hurt because this isn't his fault and I don't want him to get into trouble and he seems really nice.

[18 Feb 2014|01:09pm]

Why is there a dead animal outside my room? A dead skinned animal? Did one of you start hunting and then get distracted by your new love? If so, please come and claim your skinned carcass.

ETA: In case the fox was meant as a gift: that's very thoughtful, but I'm a vegetarian.

[18 Feb 2014|01:44pm]

Stiles I love you!

I think we should get married! The church is all decorated real pretty. I don't know if there's anybody that can really marry anyone here, but I just want you to know how much I love you!

You're the best and the shiniest and I'm gonna win your heart if you don't love me already!

What can I do to prove my love?

Rebekah, Caroline and Bonnie [18 Feb 2014|01:22pm]

[ mood | confused ]

Why is a boy that I have only met once telling me how perfect and amazing I am?

[18 Feb 2014|01:11pm]

I wish I had my camera. Then I could take pictures of you all day. I had to draw them all instead.

[ooc: A large number of semi-stick figure drawings of Erica all over the rest of this page. Peter is not a great artist.]

[18 Feb 2014|01:09pm]

[ooc: A large pile of assorted clothes are left where Lydia sleeps]

I thought you'd like them. I hope you do. Do you?

[18 Feb 2014|12:21pm]

How many people are still missing? Has anyone come back yet?

[Buffy and Dean]

I don't know what to do. An enormous group of people have gone missing and they haven't come back, either there are two experiments going on right now or something big is going on and people aren't paying attention. Are they just sending us home now? I don't understand.


Are you okay?
I'm sorry about Will and Rikki, if they're home then
Are you okay, Cleo?


Hey, have you had luck locating anybody yet?

[18 Feb 2014|10:36am]

I have written a poem for my beloved Rebekah!

I saw your face from afar
And was struck by the beauty you are
The light turns your hair into spun gold
Leaving my heart anything but cold.

I have also left flowers and chocolates by your sleeping space.

Your Elena

Piper [17 Feb 2014|09:36pm]

So... with you being the daughter of the goddess of love and being a girl... I was hoping for some advice on getting a gift. Something really good, really special, that I could do here. Ideas???


You're so awesome. Like really awesome.

[Felicity and Oliver] [17 Feb 2014|09:40pm]

Thank you for taking care of me when I was little.

No Experimentees [17 Feb 2014|07:25pm]

I'm pretty sure I've figured out the experiment for the week. People that were taken, at least some of them right now, are falling in love (unnaturally) with random individuals. there might be more to it than that, but so far the situations all seem pretty random and like the people aren't particularly familiar with one another.

At most this lasts a week at least it lasts 2 or 3 days.

I'm not going to start a list unless someone thinks it'd be helpful, but I think it might be a good idea to be careful because I don't think that they have much control over how they're feeling right now.

Maybe it would be a good idea to check in here if you can see this, though. Nobody really kept track of everybody who was taken.


I told Annie she could stay at the theater if she likes. She's the one married to Finnick, the Finnick that I think you were in an experiment with at one point.

We should probably keep a good eye on Thea too.

No Experiment People -- Especially Finnick [17 Feb 2014|07:19pm]

This is Annie and I need to find another place to stay.

[17 Feb 2014|05:18pm]

Percy <3's Davina )

[17 Feb 2014|03:50pm]

familyluke a crazy thing. I've spent my whole life searching for it, and I've finally, finally found it.

Cora, my angel, this is for you, with all my love.

Cut for Length )

[17 Feb 2014|03:42pm]

You know, I don't think I ever really knew what love was until today.


Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?

[OOC: Oops...that's what I get for trying to remember things with my brain. LOL. Fixed now. ;)]

[17 Feb 2014|01:11pm]

Wow, well that was random and pointless. Nice walk in the woods, thanks Management. At least Felicity was there to meet me when I got back. Thanks Felicity :)

You know what? I think you were right. You and Felicity would be an awful couple. I promise to never bother you about it again.

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