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[28 Feb 2014|04:00pm]

came to an end on 2/28.

We wish all of our players good luck in their future endeavors!

[25 Feb 2014|05:08pm]

Tris, are you okay?

So this is...something to do with our emotions, I'm guessing.

I mean, the tattoo thing made that pretty obvious.

[25 Feb 2014|09:07am]

So, have we figured out yet what this week's experiment is?

[25 Feb 2014|08:21am]

Being taken somewhere and having things written on me is getting to be a habit -- one I don't like.

This headache can go away any time now.

Library Filter

Is everyone around and counted for?

Museum Filter [25 Feb 2014|03:11am]


[OOC: During the night, Percy had nightmares of Tartarus that, of course, triggered the experiment. Waking up in pain and disoriented, he kind of accidentally broke the plumbing on the second floor, and now the second floor around the bathrooms is flooded. Sorry, guys!]

[24 Feb 2014|05:57pm]

I told you that I didn't want your help, so take it back, you've probably cursed it, anyway!

I'd rather fend for myself!

You had to know that I'd be suspicious of this and I won't use it. You're not going to manipulate me. I'm not stupid, so take it back or I'm going to throw it into the lake and leave it there.

[24 Feb 2014|12:39am]

I just got back. The Management dropped us off within the dome, so everybody that disappeared should be showing back up soon. I'm going to go back out and look for them just in case, though.

Thea, stay put. I'm just going to see who else I can find.


When you get back and get this, please let me know. I know that we There's so much I didn't God, my head

[23 Feb 2014|11:45pm]

Oh no River

This really ain't good. People are gone.... again.River's one of them....

Are lots of other people missing too?

I ain't seen River neither. I think some of the teenagers we got at the museum are gone....


Can you see this, if you can I need you to answer me?

[OOC: Belated on this, but pretend this post happened right after the plot started. TWD distracted me!]

[22 Feb 2014|09:55pm]

If my counting is right we're getting near the end of the week. That means the next experiment is coming, right? It should be tomorrow night into the next day, right? The same routine seems to be what entries in the journal from the past implied.

[Thalia & Piper]

So, has the make up worn off any, Thally? And are you still glitter bombing tons of stuff that I haven't noticed, Piper?

The make up and everything finally wore off for me, thank the gods.


Do you think you might sleep a little better if I sleep in my own room tonight? I know we've both had a rough couple of nights now. So, if you need some space I get it.

Hodge would be having a fit

[Library Dwellers]

Hi, I'm Annabeth. I think I've talked to Caroline and Davina, I don't know about anybody else, though.

I don't know who is really right to ask, but is it all right if I come to the library to look through and find some books? I'll bring them back and take care of them, but I can think of a few things I'd like to try and find.

Four [21 Feb 2014|06:10pm]

Tobias! Tobias, please tell me you're all right.

I can't do this again. They were talking about a boy and a girl being dead.

Filtered from Cleo [21 Feb 2014|12:37pm]

I don't understand. I didn't know that they could kill us. What's the point of bringing us here to play their games if they're just going to kill people?

Why? Why kill anyone that's here?

I thought I was done with seeing death everywhere.

[21 Feb 2014|11:40am]

I'm so sorry.

I should have said something earlier. I tried to put the pieces together and figure out the clues, I talked to the management. Boy and girl dead combined with love. The only boy I could think of that was dead was Tate and of course Joey, they were in some sort of relationship. That was my assumption. I thought Rikki would be sent home, but I was wrong What about Will And I was right.

Joey is hanging from the Ferris Wheel....I saw the post with squiggles and circles and what's a circle....there's only one real thing here with that shape. The dome itself can't be it it's too wide and not descriptive enough. And I decided to look on my own rather than to scare anybody. I should have told someone sooner, maybe we could have done something

She's hanging from a noose. I can't....we need to get her down....


I talked to the management I should have said something

filtered from Cleo [21 Feb 2014|08:36am]

Cleo found Rikki's body. I was with her. We got her back to shore, she was in the lake, but it was too late. I'm sorry. I don't know what to Cleo's not

[21 Feb 2014|10:09am]

The day you show your faces, you spineless cowards, I'm going to kill you. You sick, twisted, psychopaths, do you hear me? I will reverse the blood in your veins, and expand it until it comes out your eye sockets. You are going to pay for what you've done.

Demigods [20 Feb 2014|10:59pm]

I'm going to find a new place, guys.

Thanks for letting me stay there as long as you did, it was nice to feel a part of something good again.

[20 Feb 2014|10:24pm]

cut for images )

Pack Filter* [20 Feb 2014|11:02pm]

Something is happening.

*ooc: if you're usually included in those, assume you can see this!

[20 Feb 2014|08:09pm]

Time for a love story!

There once was a boy and a girl... and then they died.

Isn't love great?

[20 Feb 2014|01:26pm]


Um, hi. My name's Luke Castellan and I'm actually not insane.

I'm sure you're a lovely girl, but, um, I don't know you, and I'm sorry for the last few days.


Shut up. I'm not writing any more poetry. Ever.

[20 Feb 2014|12:14pm]

I guess I should...say hi or somethin'.

I'm Kenzi. The new addition to the Hotel California. Only, I wish we were in California. At least it'd be sunnier.

So uh...yeah. Not really sure what else I should say as way of an intro. Um...I'm Russian. And I do like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.

[20 Feb 2014|08:09am]

I don't know what happened the past three days, and I've decided that's for the best.

[20 Feb 2014|06:25am]

Annie? Annie, sweetheart, I'm so sorry.

Where are you? Please, be okay. Please.


Christ, I'm sorry. I read the things I wrote and - I mean, you seem great, but I don't know you. You must think I'm insane.

[19 Feb 2014|11:33pm]


Why are there crushed berries and cracker crumbs all over my room.

And who hit me with the makeup gun?

[19 Feb 2014|11:43pm]

Um, there are entries in my journal, in my handwriting, that I didn't make. Really weird entries. What the hell?

[19 Feb 2014|11:21pm]

Last night, I read that today was experiment day, and today, I wake up sleeping outside a creepy tall building. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess experiment?

So, how does this work? Do I just stay here or do I head back...? Gotta say, I don't feel very experimented on. Maybe that's a good sign?


Before you freak out, I'm okay. I figured you might wonder where I went, and I just didn't want you to worry. I hope you're not part of... whatever this is, and I hope you're safe.


Uh... hi?

Look, I am really sorry for everything I said and did and apparently I proposed to you and oh gods, so sorry about that. I don't remember any of it, but... I heard you were really nice and understanding and so also thanks? Just... yeah.

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