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[14 Nov 2013|10:38am]

Hi, everyone! My name is Kaylie. I've been on an almost three year rp-hiatus and just decided to jump back into the swing of things because what is life without pretending to be somebody else, right? Sooo, I am kind of nervous and way too excited and I can't wait to play with all of you. <3

I'm bringing in Bart Allen from Smallville. I'm pulling him from the season 11 comics, right before he dies. So yeeah, he is probably going to be convinced that he's dead for a little while, since he was totally expecting it to happen anyway. For those of you who have no idea who he is, Bart is a little shit (but, you know, a nice little shit) from the future who woke up in the past with superspeed and no memories of his life before that. Bart was a thief as a kid, but then Clark Kent caught up with him and and like, told him to go sit in the corner and be a good boy. Oliver Queen kinda took him under his wing and offered him a spot on his brand new team of superheroes, which Bart gladly accepted because come on, every teenage boy secretly wants to be a superhero. For the most part, he is pretty well behaved now and he's going to try really hard not to annoy everybody to death with his hyperactivity, which doesn't really have an off switch. Sorry.

I can be reached by email at or on aim at lykomedas. Feel free to poke at me anytime. I promise I don't bite!

[13 Nov 2013|08:00pm]

Hi all, I'm Jess!

I'm bringing in Caroline Forbes from The Vampire Diaries tv series. She's a vampire and coming in from last week's episode so don't read her app if you're not caught up on it. She's got a whole bunch of fun vampy powers that are in her app and can walk in the sunlight thanks to her awesome ring.

I love plotting and I'm easily reachable via email at and on aim at roguexvi. Aim is spotty for this month because of NANO and I tend not to go on if I'm trying to write but I always answer emails.

I can't think of anything else to write so HI!

[13 Nov 2013|12:45am]

Hi everyone, I'm Val!

I'm bringing you Smallville's Chloe Sullivan, but the Earth 2 version of her! She's a lot darker, a lot harsher and a even more emotionally unavailable than the regular Chloe. She wasn't actually on the show since Allison wasn't around when Luthor aired, but she played a big part on Season 11, that continued in the comics.

A lot of her background is the same as Chloe's except she and Clark were never friends and when she was about 16, he tried to burn her alive. Fun times! She spent most of her time since then hiding from him and trying to figure out ways to kill him. She's very much morally gray, but she's not evil. As long as you mean no harm to anyone, she will gladly protect you from evil aliens and other evil things.

She's an archer and she's as good as Oliver Queen with a bow and arrow, she is also very good with computers/research/hacking and she is meteor infected (which is why she was being chased by Ultraman to begin with). Her ability is empathic healing, so normally she can take other's injuries upon herself and then heal herself, but I'm told she won't be able to heal others here.

I'm 100% open for plots and I can be reached by email on chloesully1 at gmail, on my CDJ [info]arietrix or AIM at WatchtowerQueen. :)

Finn! Looks like we're paired up. Do you want to write an intro or do you want me to? I'm okay with either one.

[11 Nov 2013|07:40pm]

Hey, all. I'm Misha, and I've just got this guy to start. It's none other than Daryl from Walking Dead. Anybody got a Rick muse? Merle? Glenn? Anybody? That's be awesome.

I'm a teacher, I work with special ed kids in 4th and 5th grade, and it's a very emotionally and physically exhausting job right now. But I love it, I really and truly love it. But there are some nights I just can't pull it together to play, otherwise I'm on most nights until I crash, which is around 10 or 11 (Eastern US) on a work night, and sometimes 1 or 2 am on nights I don't have work the next day.

I'm looking forward to getting down to business and playing here. Wheee. Hit me up for plot and play. That's why we're here!

[11 Nov 2013|06:39pm]

Hallo! I'm Hailey and I'm the other mod here! Otherwise known as the one who can't count and tried to just make everyone's hold day 11/13! :D I am also excited about this game (obviously)! I have two in my roster:

Felicity Smoak | [info]holysmoak from the show Arrow. She's from the most recent episode of season two, and if you watch and don't want spoilers don't read her app and I'll keep anything huge behind a cut, I promise. She's 24, a super smart uber computer geek, and she's part of team Arrow. Genius IQ, but often babbles and rambles! She's fun!

Kaylee Frye | [info]sweetfloozy from the show Firefly. She's from Objects in Space, so she is from before the Serenity movie. She's a mechanic on the ship Serenity. Machines like cars, ships, etc are all her favorites. They speak to her. She's got survival skills, moreso than Felicity, anyway. She's sweet, really friendly, and she likes people. She's 26ish.

I'm available generally all the time. If I'm not around I'll definitely get back to you and I can be reached at or ohnoesthefairies (AIM). If you're in a real pinch you can comment on the apps in their journals.

I'm excited to play with everyone and welcome! Lets have fun and plot and get the ball rolling!

[11 Nov 2013|01:29pm]

Hey all! I'm Jen and I'm one of the mods here. I'm really excited to see Vas Captio having a second chance at life on this server and might've gotten a little overzealous with my roster already, goes:

Rikki Chadwick | [info]justaddh2o — she's 18, kind of a snarker, and oh yeah...she turns into a mermaid when she gets wet. Like, a single drop of water and ten seconds later, boom: tail.
Will Collins | [info]dotherightthing — he's 27 and he's a first year surgery intern at Denver Memorial. He means well, but can sometimes snap judge and he struggles with remaining objective, but all in all, he's a really good guy.
Derek Hale | [info]woobiewolf — is roughly 24 years old, though it's never really brought up in his canon, so I'm guessing here. He's basically the personification of Grumpy Cat, except that he's a werewolf, and...his life is terrible. He comes from 3x11 before realizing he could potentially save his little sister's life, so he's still an Alpha and everything still sucks for Derek. No, but really. He's very manipulative and selfish, but not a bad guy to have around on the whole. He'll be looking to start a pack, but I doubt that'll go well for him. It usually doesn't lol.
Joey McCoy | [info]imanursenota__ — she's 17, just graduated high school and is eagerly awaiting her father's (Leonard McCoy) return from the five-year expedition on the Enterprise. She's kind of bitchy, but it's mostly a facade; get to know her. She's a nice girl once you get past the tough exterior.

I'm available via contact posts on any of their journals (...except Rikki's, I don't mind if you comment in on her Vas app, though, because I'm lazy and don't feel like making one for her. IE, there aren't enough Cariba Heine gifs out there that aren't from Bait, dammit), through the mod drop box, via email (mistojen[at]gmail[dot]com) or AIM (RockinTheHD) and yeah, I'm available MOST of the time because I have a boring job and no social life lol

Looking forward to playing with all of you (some of you for the first time, others again and it's been a while), so ALL the plots! I can has? ♥

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