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[17 Feb 2014|12:04am]
Bloody bloody hell!

A child! They made me a child! This is ridiculous and moronic. There isn't even a point to doing something like that!

I need a drink after all of that.


Are we still on an adventure, brother? I was so incredibly naive to believe any of that.

Thank you for looking after me, though. I was quite spirited at times.

[17 Feb 2014|12:32am]
Is it normal for everyone around you to up and vanish for experiments? I'm assuming this is an experiment. Or maybe they were all sent home, but everybody that I know here at the museum is now gone. Their things are still here They were all taken Why all of them

I've looked all around here for them. Is it normally effective to look for people around here? I don't know my way around yet, but I'm a little worried.

Percy, Piper, Luke, or Thalia....if you see this it'd be really great to know that you're all safe, for the record! Is everyone else in the museum all right? And here?

[17 Feb 2014|01:09am]
Thanks to everyone who was there for me when I was a kid, but I'd rather not repeat my childhood again. Who all is missing tonight?

[17 Feb 2014|08:12am]
Has anyone seen Rikki?

she's gon
Her bed is gone
Why would her bed be go

[17 Feb 2014|11:14am]
Hey guys, this is Scott. I wanted to let everyone know that Derek's gone, we saw him disappear last night so our best guess is that he's gone home.

I know at least one other person is missing, Rikki, and I'm out looking for her now. Is there anyone else still missing from that experiment I should be looking for?

We are so screwed, man, none of the other wolves have any reason to listen to me and I'm not a freaking alpha so if Elle goes off the rails what the hell do I
I can't catch Rikki's scent anywhere. I've seriously just been sitting on a rock for like half an hour trying to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do or tell Cleo or anything.

Derek [17 Feb 2014|12:11pm]
Joey's gone, I can't find her anywhere.

[17 Feb 2014|01:10pm]
I'm gonna move out of the museum!

I don't got no reason to stay there no more really. There's too many people going missing and disappearing to stay somewhere like that the whole time. I gotta be with the person I love. I gotta be happy just in case something happens to him!

IF I still got time I'll try to keep helping on my projects but love is the most important thing right now.

[17 Feb 2014|01:11pm]
Wow, well that was random and pointless. Nice walk in the woods, thanks Management. At least Felicity was there to meet me when I got back. Thanks Felicity :)

You know what? I think you were right. You and Felicity would be an awful couple. I promise to never bother you about it again.

[17 Feb 2014|03:42pm]
You know, I don't think I ever really knew what love was until today.


Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?

[OOC: Oops...that's what I get for trying to remember things with my brain. LOL. Fixed now. ;)]

[17 Feb 2014|03:50pm] a crazy thing. I've spent my whole life searching for it, and I've finally, finally found it.

Cora, my angel, this is for you, with all my love.

Cut for Length )

[17 Feb 2014|05:18pm]
Percy <3's Davina )

No Experiment People -- Especially Finnick [17 Feb 2014|07:19pm]
This is Annie and I need to find another place to stay.

No Experimentees [17 Feb 2014|07:25pm]
I'm pretty sure I've figured out the experiment for the week. People that were taken, at least some of them right now, are falling in love (unnaturally) with random individuals. there might be more to it than that, but so far the situations all seem pretty random and like the people aren't particularly familiar with one another.

At most this lasts a week at least it lasts 2 or 3 days.

I'm not going to start a list unless someone thinks it'd be helpful, but I think it might be a good idea to be careful because I don't think that they have much control over how they're feeling right now.

Maybe it would be a good idea to check in here if you can see this, though. Nobody really kept track of everybody who was taken.


I told Annie she could stay at the theater if she likes. She's the one married to Finnick, the Finnick that I think you were in an experiment with at one point.

We should probably keep a good eye on Thea too.

Piper [17 Feb 2014|09:36pm]
So... with you being the daughter of the goddess of love and being a girl... I was hoping for some advice on getting a gift. Something really good, really special, that I could do here. Ideas???


You're so awesome. Like really awesome.

[Felicity and Oliver] [17 Feb 2014|09:40pm]
Thank you for taking care of me when I was little.

[ viewing | February 17th, 2014 ]
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