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Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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[Jun. 17th, 2010|06:50 pm]
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Hi, my name is Sterling and I'm the mun of all these kids here and when I signed on to AIM this evening, my ENTIRE buddy list was gone.

Zero contacts.

I've been needing to do a cleanup of the list anyway but that was a bit extreme and a bit of a shock, so, uh, plz to be pinging me at JediGorse so I can re-add you. Yes, that means you, and you over in the corner, and you with the funny hat.

Fixed! Thanks Jacky! Though if any of you out there think you should be on my list and don't think you are? Gimmie a ping, I'll stick you on there.
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[Nov. 30th, 2009|11:49 pm]

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Okay look. I know that some of us aren't around as much as others. I myself barely post anymore and I suck because of that and everything, I get that. I really do. I'm not opposed to playing, I just never know what to post. But that is besides the point.


And I am serious. It goes both fucking ways. It is NOT that hard to open up an IM and tell someone that you want to do something with your character one way or another. Sometimes you might like it, and sometimes you might not. But the point is, NO ONE IS A DAMN MIND READER. We really can't figure all this shit out by brain waves.

So email people. IM them. Call them on the phone, I don't give a damn but please for the love of Satan.


Seriously, that's like our only rule. We let you have a shit ton of characters and really don't make you update on a regular basis. Do you know how awesome it is not to have an activity check? So don't be ungrateful.


Or I'll shank you.

- The mods.
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[May. 17th, 2009|04:44 pm]

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Okay, so there's been a lot of doom and murdering sprees lately, and once again the mods have decided that we need to bring balance to the Forc--er, game. Don't want the good guys to get too burnt out. STARTING TUESDAY: This is a temporary moratorium on killing and violence and stuff, and it applies to EVERYONE. You can't even kill NPCs for now.

If your pup feels the urge to kill someone, they will suddenly feel very tired and decide to take a nap instead.

Vampires and other 'But I have to kill to survive!' types get tired too, and will have to either nibble on animals or just get a few sips where they can. No killing humans allowed.

I want to stress that this is not in direct response to any one person or event. Don't get paranoid and try to read more into it than is actually here. It was just a culmination of a lot of violence, and we're trying to space out the murder and mayhem.

This will probably only last a few weeks. We'll post to let you know when it's okay to start killing again.

FAQ + Clarifications that we had to make last time!

So the last time we did this, for those of you that don't remember, this one mun threw a big hissy fit and turned into a giant troll. It was ridiculous. She's gone now. I'm trying to preempt craziness by providing answers to any questions you might have.

1.) Monsters are not people. It's okay to kill them! (Duh.) Vampires too. (except of course the ones that are played by muns.) There aren't that many monster NPCs in UTR, but the ones that are, slay away. Do be aware that they can't actually be violent or kill anyone right now, so they're basically defenseless, but if you're up for killing monsters in cold blood, go for it.

2.) Crimefighting is also still okay. Go beat up a few baddies. Just don't murder or torture them, and oh, your pups can't get tortured or severely injured to the point of death either. If you were planning on it, just wait a few weeks, please. This game has been around for 3+ years; a few weeks isn't that long to wait.

3.) Backdated logs are okay. It's okay to play out some death and destruction that happened two weeks ago. Just make sure you label it as such, and don't bring it into the main comm.

4.) We are not asking you to act OOC. We are not asking bad guys to suddenly like rainbows and kittens. That's why we said the 'falling asleep' thing. You could get creative and say 'nausea' or 'migraines' too. Whatever it is, they find themselves physically unable to kill a human being.

5.) If you have questions or concerns, feel free to email Jewels and I. We are always receptive to player concerns. We are not big fans of idiots who misinterpret things and decide to become trolls instead of ask questions. Not that we think that will happen this time, because you all seem to be reasonable, intelligent human beings. (Thank you for that, by the way!)

Please email Jewels and I if you have more questions. The trollfest happened because someone had many concerns that they decided not to communicate until it exploded in wank the likes of which has never been seen in this community. So please please do not hesitate to email us!

Edit; This will start Tuesday. Wrap up whatever you need to.
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[Mod Post] Your license to kill [Sep. 19th, 2008|06:22 pm]

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All right guys, the moratorium is over! Go forth and kill things.

A few reminders before you run for your machetes and piano wire..

1.) From the FAQ... Crime doesn't pay. At least, not in public. There are a lot of crimefighters reading the boards, and if your character says that they've committed a felony in a public post, there WILL be consequences. This could make your pup unplayable if they wind up in jail. Breaking the law is okay, just don't discuss it in public where cops and capes can see! The mods reserve the right to determine if and how long pups will be locked away.

2.) Try to pace yourselves. Violence and killing is all well and good, but if it gets to the point again where it feels like the death and doom have taken over the boards and it's getting out of hand, the mods will step in.

3.) Slayers will turn into bunny rabbits if they try to stake vampires. Kidding, kidding! Had to say somethin'.

Have fun! Ooh, and we've got some good Halloween stuff in the works for you guys. If anyone else has any ideas, email the mods! We'll have a poll up soon.
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[Mod Post] Will somebody please remove these cutleries from my knees? [Aug. 18th, 2008|10:43 am]

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Hey guys! It's Mandy, semi-back from her hiatus, with a quick mod-post.

There's been a lot of doom and gloom and murder lately, and we've decided that the game needs a break from it. Don't want the good guys to get too burnt out. This is a temporary moratorium on killing and violence and stuff, and it applies to EVERYONE, including gods. You can't even kill NPCs for now.

If your pup feels the urge to kill someone, they will suddenly feel very tired and decide to take a nap instead.

Vampires and other 'But I have to kill to survive!' types get tired too, and will have to either nibble on animals or just get a few sips where they can. No killing allowed.

I want to stress that this is not in direct response to any one person or event. Don't get paranoid and try to read more into it than is actually here. It was just a culmination of a lot of violence, and we're trying to space out the murder and mayhem.

This will probably only last about a month. We'll post to let you know when it's okay to start killing again.

EDIT: Comments have been disabled on this post in an attempt to control the insanity. Let's stop baiting the trolls now. It's not their fault they were raised under a bridge.

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