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[Plot] Swap Meet! [Jan. 18th, 2013|10:34 pm]

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Here's the random assignments for the Swap Plot! Contact the other person and you guys can decide if you want to do a personality swap or a body swap or what. If you decide you want to make additional pairings at anytime during the plot (Saturday 1/19-Sunday 1/27), that's fine too! You can decide when it happens and how long it lasts! Let me know if you have any questions. Starts tomorrow, so go wild!

Random Assignments )
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[Jan. 4th, 2013|09:18 pm]


Is anybody, like... In love with the wiki? I've been thinking about consolidating it into one or two reference posts here on IJ, rather than worrying about making players update their wikis.

Anybody have strong feelings either way? I know some people spent a lot of time on their character's pages, and obviously we wouldn't suddenly delete the wiki without letting you save that info (and hopefully post it on your journals so people can still see it!)
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[Plot] Swap Meet! [Jan. 2nd, 2013|07:57 pm]

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We have a gamewide plot coming up soon! Unless there are any objections, plot is planned for Saturday, January 19 through Sunday, January 27.

There are a few options here.

A) Personality Swap: Two characters start acting like each other. You would keep the same journals, icons, players, characters, but they would act like the other person. They are still the same person, you're just playing them with the personality of another character.

B) Body Swap: Two characters actually swap bodies. In this case, players upload the icons of the other character to their journal (so that the 'bodies' have swapped), but continue playing their own character, who will probably be surprised to be in their friend's (or enemy's!) body.

Let me know if you have any questions, or if you have a third idea you'd like to try.

There are two signup methods, too! You can either talk with each other and pick the characters you want to switch, or the mods can do random assignment. If you want to participate but don't know who (or just want the extra chaos that comes with random), please comment here and tell me which characters you'd like thrown in the random pot.

Not everyone has to participate, but the more the merrier!
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[Mod post] READ ME! [Nov. 30th, 2012|06:53 am]



So we're hoping to reopen this weekend! Almost everyone has replied now, which I'm really excited about!

Basically, the vortex is turning itself inside out and Under the Rainbow is going to become an AU of itself.

Jewels and I believe it's very important to allow players to keep all of the stuff they've written. It's a lot of energy and heart you guys have put into building your characters and their relationships, and we are NOT going to erase all of that.

However, we do realize that with all of the drops, you may be losing some characters you had CR with, and that can be complicated.

You have three options!

1.) Keep all the stuff! Histories are the same, just continue on like normal.

2.) Complete reboot. Fresh off the vortex, clean slate.

3.) Soft reboot. Keep what you want, change what you want. Feel free to rewrite or handwave things as you see fit.

We'd encourage you to talk to other players you have CR with and collaborate on what you want to do! We're hoping the flexibility will help get your creative juices flowing in whatever way works best for you.

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Let us know. If there are rules you want changed, let us know and we will be happy to talk about it!
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[Mod post] READ ME! [Nov. 23rd, 2012|04:25 pm]


Okay! Everyone who wants to stay, please read and respond!

This is a list of the current characters. It might not be 100% current--Just working with what's in the wiki. What I need is for you to read over your characters and comment which ones you are keeping and which you want to drop. Please reply by December 1st. We're hoping December 1st will be the Grand Re-Opening.

Comments are public, and I'm going to try to keep up-to-date by crossing out dropped characters, so others can see how this affects their CR, and if it changes any drops/apps/reboots others want to make.

Respond by December 1st! )

A plot post will be coming soon to explain the Restart.
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[Mod Post] Back from the dead? [Nov. 18th, 2012|11:48 am]


Hey folks! I first want to apologize for being so absent lately. I've really been slacking as a mod, and haven't been as involved in this game as I'd like to be. Wrapping up my last semester of grad school, and my thoughts have been elsewhere.

I'd hate to see this game die, though. It's been around longer than any game I've been a part of, and I really love this game and the players and everything about it! So let's get it going again! Who's with me?

Seriously, who's still interested? Comment here and let me know if you want to stay involved. This isn't a formal activity check. None of us have really been active. It's more a... 'Re-Activity Check'.. If that makes sense. I'm going to be spending some time thinking about what characters I want to keep and which I'm dropping, and I'd encourage you guys to do the same.

I'd really like to get going again, if there's still enough interest. ♥ you guys. We'll try to think up some exciting plot to get blood moving again (And you guys are welcome to submit plot ideas, guys!! We love that stuff!)
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[Mod Posts] VOTING SEASON [Aug. 30th, 2012|10:51 pm]

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Edit: So the polls didn't work. Sorry! Please comment with your answers, thanks.

Hey guys! We've got a lot of new players, and it's come to my attention that there are some things being handled a little differently now. Previously, we've said that strike-outs are readable by characters, and look exactly like crossed-out text. Lately, it looks like characters have been using strike-outs expecting that others can't read it. Both ways definitely have their merits, and Jewels and I are flexible to changing this, I just want everyone on the same page. The last thing we want is characters reading things that the other player didn't want read!

So Ballot Issue #1:

Should characters be able to read strike-outs, or should it be only readable to muns?


UTR has always had an unlocked OOC. We're trying to decide if we want to change that or not. The comms are set so that only members can comment or post, but should non-players be able to view the OOC? (The IC-comms will remain public!)

Ballot Issue #2

Should the OOC be friends-locked?

Discussion, town hall meetings, and anonymous donations are all welcome in the comments below, but I refuse to release either my birth certificate or tax returns, tyvm.
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[Jul. 31st, 2012|09:38 am]

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Just a quick post!

Extending the musical plot for anyone that wants it. Most people have probably stopped feeling the effects, but if you missed out BY ALL MEANS keep going!! Don't want anyone to have missed out. :)
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[Mod Post] Musical Plot [Jul. 20th, 2012|02:49 pm]

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Okay, folks! Musical plot is GO!

Tag is musical plot.

Go! Sing to your heart's content! Feel free to have your pups use this as an excuse to express things they've been holding back.
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[mod post] PLOT! [Jul. 12th, 2012|02:21 pm]

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SO! There has been a request for a musical plot. Who's excited? I'm excited!

Characters will burst into song, hopefully revealing FEELINGS and stuff. Because that's when people sing in musicals! They can sing already established songs, or you can make up new songs, whatever you like!

Musical tropes will show up, too. Random backup dancers! Flashy costumes! They might even hear applause after particularly good numbers.

Have fun with it!

I'm thinking June July 20th-27th, if that works for people!

Thoughts? Ideas? Gratuitous praise?
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[plot] Wrap! [Apr. 29th, 2012|01:32 pm]

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The aliens that didn't get splattered have now left the system. I believe the Doctors went and had a conversation with their leaders, which may have played a factor. And all the fights from the heroes convinced them that it really wasn't worth it.

Feel free to continue action logs! We want everybody to get a chance to play as much as they'd like. Weird chaos things (Switched PBs, genders, etc.etc.) can continue for a while longer, or continue indefinitely, or disappear now. Whatever you guys want!
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[plot] CHAOS, PHASE 2 [Apr. 22nd, 2012|09:30 pm]

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Guess what! Those villains that are causing all the weird and leading the heroes on crazy goosechases?

Yeah, those aren't really villains from your movies or books or tv shows or whatever. They're imposters! Alien imposters!

And someone just figured out what's going on, so they're starting Stage Two.

Stage Two involves them all (and a number of 'sleeper agent' NPCs) activating and beginning to look like creepy-ass aliens. They're violent and evil and will attack people! Big Damn Hero types might wanna get out and fight!

Aliens will be around and fighting until Saturday, April 28. Feel free to form teams and convoys and safehouses or whatever your guys would do if there was a full-scale alien invasion!

Weird chaos stuff can go away or continue through the week, whatever you want!
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[mod post] Chaos Plot is go! [Apr. 13th, 2012|10:12 am]

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Happy Friday the 13th! Commence the Chaos!

Age changes
Crazy weather patterns (chocolate rain, etc)
Minor powers (Summoning cupcakes out of the air, changing people's hair color at will, talking to plants, etc.)
People randomly bursting into song, musical-style
People getting hit by paint balls or water balloons when no one's around.
Body swap
PB swap
Surprise nudity
Portkeys taking people to random locations they didn't mean to go
People talking backwards or in languages they don't know

Tag is chaos plot
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[mod post] Chaos Plot! [Apr. 6th, 2012|11:56 am]

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Okay! If you called dibs on a villain-type, I'll be sending you an email soon with some details and stuff. If you haven't but want to, there's still time.

Starting Friday, April 13 (teehee!), weird stuff will start happening. Weird Stuff includes:

Age changes
Crazy weather patterns (chocolate rain, etc)
Minor powers (Summoning cupcakes out of the air, changing people's hair color at will, talking to plants, etc.)
People randomly bursting into song, musical-style
People getting hit by paint balls or water balloons when no one's around.
Body swap
PB swap
Surprise nudity
Portkeys taking people to random locations they didn't mean to go
People talking backwards or in languages they don't know

If you have more ideas, please ask the mods first, either here in the comments or by email. If it's silly little stuff, it shouldn't be a problem.

The "bad guys" should start showing up sometime after Friday, April 13. The bad guys will be around (and causing chaos all week) until Monday, April 23.

Once again, this plot is meant to be low drama, high chaos. Nobody should die, get kidnapped, tortured, raped, none of that.
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PLOTTAGE [Mar. 27th, 2012|04:30 pm]

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Okay, we're working on an upcoming plot for mid April. We were thinking about having a BIG BAD, but thought it might be more fun to try a lot of Little Bads. Of course, it's hard to coordinate world domination, so these are going to be more in the flavor of Chaos.

We're looking for people to volunteer to play temporary PC's. This plot will last about a week. These guys are just going to create chaos and provide a foil for their canon counterparts. What we're really going for is low drama, high chaos.

To give you an idea who I mean, here are examples:

Moriarty (from Sherlock Holmes) - Jewels
Ethan (from Buffy) - Mandy
Discord (from MLP) - Chelsea
Q (from Star Trek) - Ash
Jareth (Labyrinth) - Sage
The Joker (from Batman) - Eric
Dead Moon Circus (Sailor Moon) - Katie and Chelsea
Flemeth (Dragon Age) - Josie

The Master (from Doctor Who)
Loki (Thor, mythology, whatever!)
Crowley (Supernatural)
Darth Maul (Star Wars)
Eris (from Greek Mythos)

If you guys can think of more chaotic types, sing out! Also, we're looking for people to play these folks, so if you see one you think you can wrangle for a week, let us know! If they're in italics, that means we have a volunteer.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST (In fact, we probably should've put this part first): Give us feedback! Are you guys excited for this idea? Do you think we're super-lame? Do you have extra ideas for the chaos? Amusing ideas for ways for your pups to get involved? Plot ideas you'd want to see instead? Tell us! We are totally flexible!
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[Feb. 26th, 2012|02:46 am]

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Hey lovelies! It's time for another activity check. You know the drill.

Comment here with your name in the subject line (this makes it way easier to keep track of the gazillion players we have) to let us know you're staying. Give us a list of the pups you are keeping (and dropping, if any).

As part two, please make sure your wiki is up to date! If you drop any pups, make sure you remove them from the Taken Characters page. (If you need help with this, let us know. It's a lot easier to clean up the wiki when we know what we need to be cleaning.)

Last but not least, if you have inactive characters... get them active!

Everyone has until Saturday, March 4 at midnight.

As always, we love our players! Thank you for making this game awesome!
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[Plot] Secret Santa! [Dec. 16th, 2011|11:10 pm]

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Okay! Randomization is done, emails are sent. If you signed pups up for Secret Santa, you should have gotten your assignments. (Hopefully the formatting is okay, and you can all read it).

Just to clarify, what you got is your pup and the name of the pup they need to buy a present for.

A lot of your pups won't know the person they got. What they do with that will depend on your character. Maybe they'll try and do research. Maybe they'll ask a friend to ask around to find out what the person likes. Maybe they'll just buy them a scented candle and be done with it. A lot of that is up to you. Keep in mind that surprises are awesome fun, so try not to let the cat out of the bag too badly.

1.) Your pup has to get a present for the person they were assigned. It doesn't have to be personalized, it doesn't have to be nice, but it does have to be a gift. There are IC magical consequences if they fail to give the person a present. The IC and OOC deadline for present exchange is December 31, 2011.

2.) Don't use OOC knowledge ICly. I know this is a silly, harmless plot, but your character can't magically know the secret desires of a character they've never met (Unless they can.. But even then, remember you have to ask mun permission for telepathy!). If you can't think of an IC explanation for them knowing something (ie, asking a friend, following them around for a few days, etc.) then you shouldn't use it.

Tag is secret santa. If you have questions, please ask!
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Last Chance for Secret Santa [Dec. 16th, 2011|10:15 am]

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If anyone else wants to sign up for Secret Santa, the deadline for signups is tonight at 7pm EST.

Sign up by commenting on the original post!
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[Dec. 9th, 2011|03:28 pm]


Okay, so this has approval from Mandy and Jewels, FYI, because they are awesome.

I don't know if anyone besides Jewels, Sage, and myself is super into American Horror Story, but it's fantastic. And seeing as the ghosts are bound to the house (and the best characters, IMHO), it'd be hard to bring them in, right?


Gaz Membrane, our resident spooky girl who's got an undead henchman already, has just found a house in LA that she bought from a relator who's kind of milquetoast and terrified of her. She wasn't put off by the stories that people had been murdered there. Honestly, she's kind of comforted by it.

If you pick up an AHS ghostie, feel free to have Gaz see them. She won't be scared, and will probably ignore them or try to be buddies. The more NPC ghosts (Beau, Infantata) will be there, NPC'd away, unless someone wants to play them. Of course, if you want to pick up one of the ghosts and have them not be dead, that's totally your option (but isn't half the fun that they're dead?).

I'd been kicking around a way for me to app one of them myself, so I hope this helps open up a whole new fandom to people.
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[Plot] Secret Santa! [Dec. 9th, 2011|10:34 am]

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One of our players had an idea for a fun holiday plot! Secret Santa!

Comment here with your pup(s) that you want involved in the Secret Santa gift exchange. I'll randomly assign pups for them to buy presents for. They might have no idea who the person is, they might be friends, or they might hate them--WHO KNOWS?

Sign-up will be open for one week (until Friday, December 16th). After that, I will email you with the character your pups need to get presents for.

Hypothetical Example:

I play Watson from Sherlock Holmes. I sign Watson up for the gift exchange. I get an email from myself saying Watson is Isabela's Secret Santa. He doesn't really know her, but he does a little research (Maybe with Sherlock's help.) Sometime around Christmas week, he makes a post in the main UTR comm that says something like ( "To Isabela" ) and has a link to what he got for her. "A present left anonymously under the community tree for Isabela".

At this point, Secret Santas can either reveal themselves, or remain anonymous like Watson did, by leaving it at a community Christmas tree at Taunton. Anyone who tries to take a present that isn't addressed to them will become bright green, hairy, and covered in warts due to magic protection spells.

A few side notes:
Please only sign up your active pups. If you have a random character that you usually keep in the back of a closet, chances are not too many people in the game even know who they are. It will be more fun for other people if characters (or at least muns) know who they're getting presents for.

Please try to make sure you're able to pick gift ideas and post descriptions/pictures of them by the end of December. If you're a few days late, that's okay, but if you're going to be mega-busy over the holidays, don't sign up 20 pups because you probably won't have time to do it.

As far as IC explanation, this will be another 'weird and wacky vortex' thing, where pups (whose muns sign them up) get letters notifying them that they are participating in a Secret Santa exchange, even though they didn't sign up for one. This lets Grinchy pups get involved too, and allows for hilariousness. If your pup needs extra motivation, there can be some sort of punishment caveat (green, hairy, warts) if they refuse to participate. Bah humbug, indeed! In short, it is OOC-optional for muns, but IC-required for pups once you sign them up!

Sign up your characters for Secret Santa by commenting to this post! (Comments are screened for maximum SURPRISE!) Deadline for sign-up is 12/16.
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[Mod Post] Rule changes about Intersteller Travel and Things [Dec. 2nd, 2011|11:06 am]


Listen up, all you space/time/dimensional travel type pups!

We've been kind of 'on a case-by-case basis' when it comes to space travel, and that's problematic in some ways. So we're clarifying and solidifying some rules to make them more universal and fair and whatnot.

Space Travel
1.) You have to give the mods a heads up. We don't want to move the entire game into space, so we may put caps on the amount of ships in the game.

2.) You need a ship, and there haven't been any leaps forward in technological advances. You can't find the plans on the internet and build one in your basement.

3.) If your ship needs fuel, you need an explanation of how you got a hold of it. It doesn't have to be scientifically sound, or anything, but there has to be something.

Time Travel
1.) Once again, you have to check with the mods first. Like space travel, you'll need to have the ship/device/whatever.

2.) It isn't going to be a game-wide thing. The whole game will not go into the past. You can't post comm messages from the future. Unless otherwise specified, time-travel is restricted to logs, and we don't want large groups going together.

3.) No changing the present without permission from the mods (and everyone who would be involved in the change).

Dimensional Travel
1.) Again, it needs to be approved by the mods, and methods have to be in place. This one we will police a lot more.

2.) Again, this is something we would like to remain strictly in logs. It shouldn't affect the rest of the game without special permission.

The overriding rule here is You cannot go home. The TARDIS cannot take Leia through space and time to see her parents on Alderaan. The Millennium Falcon can't take Zelda and Kirk to the planet Vulcan to find Spock. Ponies cannot stumble across a device that sends them back to PonyLand.

Just like the rest of UTR inhabitants, their homes don't exist here. Think of it kind of like the whole Ratman/Z-Men thing.. They might have a slightly different planet... Scmalderaan, or whatever, where things are similar, but not quite. You cannot go home.

Keep in mind.. UTR-Earth is now everyone's home. We don't really want all the Whovians to go off and decide to live on Ballifrey. If we need to have some kind of interstellar tractor beam that pulls everyone back to UTR-Earth after they've been away too long, we can do that, but we'd rather you guys police yourselves. We trust you guys to be awesome.
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[Mod Post] Plottage! Read! [Nov. 12th, 2011|05:21 pm]

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Hey guys! New plot for the next couple weeks! Nefarious NPCs (Mafia types) will start kidnapping pups. They'll send ransom notes to loved ones.

We don't have a number in mind, but we don't want ALL the pups getting kidnapped. Try not to have more than two or three of your pups go missing.

This is a good chance for the investigator-type pups to work their craft. We'll have the whole thing wrapped up by Thanksgiving (November 24), and everyone will be home in time for turkey. By that time, the Sherlocks will have discovered the kidnappers, the Batmans will have kicked ass and whatnot.

You can start now, if you want, or anytime over the next couple weeks. Keep in mind, if your pups go missing tonight, they will be out-of-play until Thanksgiving unless someone pays their ransom. If a friend pays their ransom, the person will be returned that day.

IMPORTANT! Please talk to the people your character has CR with before you decide to have your pup be kidnapped. This is an optional plot, so people to be able to opt out. Don't have someone's wife be kidnapped without asking them first. That affects their character, and they should agree to it before it happens.

The kidnappers won't do any torture, rape or murder. Do that sort of stuff on your own time if you must, but it's not going to be part of the plot.

Tag is 'kidnappy plot'
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[Oct. 27th, 2011|10:02 am]

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HALLOWEEN PLOT IS GO! It'll go till November 2nd (Maybe a little longer, if people feel like it.)

Tag is halloween.

Monsters galore! Whatever kinda monster you want, provided it isn't immediately Earth threatening... If it is, just give the mods a heads up first.

What's planned for sure:
Daleks (not an invasion, but a few here and there)
Erasers (which are.. kinda like werewolves)
And whatever you want!

Also, on Sunday or Monday there will be a DRAGON. He's intelligent, but angry. So far, he's just going to eat the Prime Minister of London, but if any one wants to flip out, that's cool. If certain Thedans just really want to kill a dragon, they can, but he's not that bad, really.
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[Mod Post] Housekeeping! [Oct. 26th, 2011|09:38 pm]


Hi guys! Since we have some new folks, I thought I'd mention a few things about how the comm works, and it's a good refresher for you guys already here too!

Undertherainbow is an In-Character internet forum: Basically, your character is posting in an internet journal community. The posts and comments look exactly to the characters as they do to you (with the exception of "locked" posts). That means that strike-throughs look just like that, and can be read.

It also means that if your characters do a *laughs* or *hugs* .. They aren't actually doing those things, they're typing it just like that. The only people who do that are internet RP geeks like us players. While some characters might be RP geeks, chances are most aren't, and they probably wouldn't be using *actions* in the middle of comments to others. Please don't use them. The comm is for in-character writing.

Also, please remember to tag posts when you create and/or comment on them. We have a slightly OCD mod who has to go in and tag all the people that forget to tag, and it's making her eye go all twitchy. If you could remember to tag as you're commenting, that'd be super helpful!

If you have any questions about formatting or the communities or anything else, feel free to ask the mods! We are more than happy to help!
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[Oct. 25th, 2011|12:39 am]


Just a quick note--We're lifting the temporary Dragon Age cap. We are still full-up on the main PC guys.. No more Hero of Fereldens or Champions of Kirkwalls.
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[Oct. 11th, 2011|11:31 am]

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Hey lovelies! It's time for another activity check. You know the drill.

Comment here with your name in the subject line (this makes it way easier to keep track of the gazillion players we have) to let us know you're staying. Give us a list of the pups you are keeping (and dropping, if any).

As part two, please make sure your wiki is up to date! If you drop any pups, make sure you remove them from the Taken Characters page. (If you need help with this, let us know. It's a lot easier to clean up the wiki when we know what we need to be cleaning.)

Last but not least, if you have inactive characters... get them active!

Everyone has until Tuesday, October 18 at NOON*, EST.

As always, we love our players! Thank you for making this game awesome!

*I know we usually give you until midnight, but Tuesday is my day off, so that's when I will have time to work on this stuff.
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[plot] Cartoons finally! [Aug. 25th, 2011|01:07 pm]

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You know how we keep talking about a cartoon plot?

Yeah, we're actually gonna do that! It's one of those optional things. If you have cartoon/animated icons, use them. If you don't, it's okay if your pup stays live action. It'll be kind of a Roger Rabbit thing; not everyone will be cartoons. But cartoon physics WILL apply to everyone.

Example: Even if Indiana Jones still looks like Harrison Ford, if he falls off a cliff he will still have time to pull out a sign that says 'Oops!' and make a giant Indy-shaped crater (hat and all) before climbing out of the hole and being fine.

We are going to do it in two weeks. This plot will start Friday, September 9th, and will last about a week. Go find your cartoon icons if you want 'em!
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What If? wrapup [Feb. 24th, 2011|06:38 pm]

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So the What If? plot is officially wearing off. As with many of our plots, consider this a 'soft' ending. If you want it to wear off slowly, or if you still have things going with some pups, that's fine. As long as it's wrapped up by the weekend, it's all good. If you've already got your pups back to normal, that's cool too. And as with bendy time, logs can continue to be backdated or whatever. No rush.

As for remembering what happened while they were crazy, some pups are and others aren't. Totally up to you.

Ideas for future plots? Send 'em our way. We have a few on the back burner but are always happy to hear more!
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[plot] What If? is go! [Feb. 15th, 2011|09:08 am]

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Okay, feel free to bring in your crazy What If? versions of people! It starts now and goes until approximately next Friday... Any time in there. Not everybody has to go crazy right away. We need some normal people left to tell them they're acting psycho!

Tag is 'what if?'
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[mod post] PLOT! [Feb. 8th, 2011|11:35 am]

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Okay, votes were pretty divided, so the What If? plot will be Feb 15th-Feb 23rd. It can go a little longer if it needs to so that everyone gets a chance to play.

Not everybody has to have their What If? happens at the same time. You can kind of stagger it if you want, so that they can react to eachother and whatnot.

Hey, people should totally comment here with ideas of what their pups are going to do! Because I'm curious and nosy. Hee. I'll comment too.
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[Mod Post] Plot Incoming! [Feb. 4th, 2011|07:51 pm]

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Presented for your approval:

Our next plot will be the What If? Plot.

It's kind of like an AU plot, but here's the major difference: Instead of having a thousand random alternate universes to pick from, you take one major event in the character's past and say "What if that never happened?" or "What if ___ happened instead?"

So... What if Buffy had never been picked as a Slayer? Or what if Spike turned her into a vampire? What if Anakin Skywalker never fell to the Darkside to become Darth Vader?

You get the idea. We're not talking "What if Edward Cullen had been born a girl?" (That's a different plot). We're also not talking "What if Arrested Development had taken place in space?!" That's a cool idea, and all, but it doesn't really fit with this plot. You're always welcome to app crazy AU people. We don't want to stifle anyone's ideas!

Okay, so WHEN do we want this to take place?

Feb 7-Feb 13
Feb 15-Feb 21
Feb 21-Feb 28

Let me know! Vote! Comment! Ask questions! Share ideas!
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[Mod post] Activity Check [Jan. 29th, 2011|03:18 pm]

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This is a reminder that the Activity Check ends tomorrow. Most of you have tagged it, but a few of the usual suspects are missing. If you haven't commented yet, get on it!

Also, be on the lookout for upcoming plot. More details later.
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[Mod post] Activity Check [Jan. 23rd, 2011|06:24 pm]

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Hey lovelies! It's time for another activity check. You know the drill.

Comment here with your name in the subject line to let us know you're staying. Give us a list of the pups you are keeping (and dropping, if any).

As part two, please make sure your wiki is up to date! If you drop any pups, make sure you remove them from the Taken Characters page. (If you need help with this, let us know. It's a lot easier to clean up the wiki when we know what we need to be cleaning.)

Last but not least, if you have inactive characters... get them active!

Deadline to respond is Sunday, January 30 at 2 pm EST.

Thanks guys! As always, we love our players. You make for a great game experience, and we couldn't do it without you.
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[plot] Woo! [Dec. 11th, 2010|03:28 pm]

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Genderswap plot was a blast!! Thanks for making it awesome, ladies and/or dudes! Woo!

Okay, so Dumbledore got portkeys back to normal, so they shouldn't cause any more swapping. Any currently swapped people can change back whenever.. It doesn't have to be instant. It can 'wear off' as you see fit.

Now here's some Holiday plottage!

This idea is borrowed from a HP fanfic called Shoebox project. Wizard mistletoe is sentient. It hangs in wait, and then when two people get under it, it yells at them to kiss and forces them to kiss through various threats.

An example, from Shoebox:

"PUCKER UP," the mistletoe howls, with sadistic glee. "GIVE THE REDHEAD A GOOD SMOOCH FOR ME OR I'LL BITE OFF YOUR NOSE."


"LESS TALK!" the plant shrieks. "MORE SALIVA! OR ELSE!"

So here's the deal: Albus has been working to fix the portkeys to stop swapping genders (His bad, by the way). He's also been decorating Taunton for Christmas, with special wizard mistletoe. It's festive! Well, apparently some of the mistletoe 'got out' via the portkeys, so mistletoe can be wherever you want it to be. It'll harass your pups until they kiss.
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GenderSwap Plot [Dec. 4th, 2010|09:35 pm]

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Just to add to the pup confusion, the portkey effect is a bit delayed. They don't change genders right as they pop out.. Otherwise it would be pretty easy to figure out, and our pups wouldn't be so confused! Maybe 5 or 10 minutes later, they suddenly swap.

Feel free to have people starting to figure it out, though.
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Yay Wrong Parts! [Dec. 3rd, 2010|10:30 pm]

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Okay, guys, Genderswap Plot '10 is a go! Start mixing and matching bits with every portkey used!

The tag for this plot is genderswap 2010. Have fun, guys!
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Gender Bending! [Dec. 2nd, 2010|11:21 am]

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Hey peoples! Just a little reminder that the Gender Bending plot starts this weekend! Any time someone uses a portkey, their gender will be swapped! No immunity (unless they don't travel by portkey, of course).

So yeah, this is your reminder to go out and find some gender swapped icons for your pups! You can always ask around if you need help coming up with ideas.

This will probably start tomorrow and last all week, we'll make an OOC post to let you know when Go time is!
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[Mod Post] Changes - Please read! [Nov. 11th, 2010|12:06 pm]

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As I'm sure a lot of you have noticed, UTR has been a little slower than normal lately. Part of that is because the mods have been very busy lately. We're currently working on doing some things to get the ball rolling again. The Halloween plot was a GREAT success, which tells us that having more of the crazy silly plots we used to have is a must.

There's a few other things that I want to keep everyone informed about.

1.) We have a new mod! Sarah is joining the UTR mod team. Sarah's been in the game for years, and has always been a huge help. Jewels and I are still here, of course. I really this will help make the mod team more active and available to everyone.

2.) We are re-starting Gamewide Chat! We'd love to see everyone there. I think this will be a great way to get everyone talking, and inspire character interaction we might not normally see. How do Thursday nights sound? Of course this won't be mandatory, but it'd be great to see anyone who can make it.

3.) Please take a minute to add things to the Wanted List. Anything you'd like to see, characters you'd like to see. New characters means new CR, and might help us all get more active.

4.) Invite your friends! We'd love to see new players.

Lastly, we want to thank everyone! UTR wouldn't be here if not for its amazing players. A lot of you have been here for a very long time, and you've helped the game in so many ways. Pryllie has helped out with the wiki, Sage has been helping with recruiting, and Jack is my sage advisor and the mastermind behind the best plots. And there are so many others that have helped over the years. So a huge thank you to everyone. You're fantastic players!
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HALLOWEEN! [Oct. 25th, 2010|11:11 am]

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Halloween Plotiness!

We tossed around a couple ideas, but decided to go for something that gets us back to our crazy crack roots. (Thanks, Jack)

Magic Candy! Different types of candy are magically tainted in different ways. Some of it tastes weird (ie, Bertie Botts, chicken fried steak, wallpaper paste, pumpkin spice latte, etc.) and some of it gives you powers and some of it turns your dick invisible and some of it makes you taste colors. Go wild!

Starting now, and while supplies last. ;)
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MOD POST! Plot stuff [Oct. 6th, 2010|06:34 pm]

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Here is a COMPLETE LIST of everyone's assignments for the upcoming Space Cowboy plot! Everyone should have received emails by now with single assignments, I think. So if you haven't, let one of us know.

In any case, here's our list. Enjoy.

List of all positions and people assigned to them )

If there are any questions, let us know.
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