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[Dec. 14th, 2009|05:21 pm]

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Who: John Constantine and Zatanna Zatara
What: Getting drunk, who knows what else
When: The other day
Where: Her place
Warnings: Language at the very least, possible violence and other dirty things

After John said that he'd be by to pay her back for all of those drinks that he owed her, Zee laid back on her bed and sighed. She didn't know what the hell she was getting into. This weird thing that she'd tried with John hadn't exactly worked before, she didn't know why it would now. They were both better off just shagging each other and drinking and that was it. But she was really just.. lonely. And homesick. She missed her house so much. Just being in Gotham and well everywhere else. Sometimes she really hated this place. At least with Stephen, it had felt like a home. Now she just felt like she was back in a motel. Which she supposed, technically she was. Maybe a bit better than a hotel room, but not by much.

Staying there for a moment, she finally got herself off the bed and got dressed properly this time in case they were going out later or something. Neither of them liked to stick around inside for very long after all.
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[Apr. 24th, 2009|10:50 pm]
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Who: John Constantine and Zatanna Zatara
What: Drinks, maybe more? Zee's moved out, John's intrigued.
When: Backdated like woah, on account of mun fail. So, like, last weekend.
Where: Las Vegas Bar
Warnings: Likely

Zee's message had definitely taken John by surprise- from feelings of possibly liking the bloke, to moving out, in less than a month. He knew women were fickle (Zee, doubly so), but that was pretty drastic, to him. Still, of the valiant belief that he was better off drinking than asking questions, John showed up at the bar Zee mentioned, looking around to find the infamous magician, and a pint, so he could see just what was what.
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[Feb. 14th, 2009|01:08 am]
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Who: John Constantine and Zatanna Zatara
What: The Antithesis of Valentine's Day, or 'So, two magi walk into a bar...'
When/Where: Tonight, the bar Zee suggested, USA
Warnings: Drunken stupor? Smoking section drinking and friends catching up. PG-13 to light R.

Truth be told, John hadn't fiddled around with anything as relatively trivial as teleportation in years. But it wasn't like he was going to admit that, especially not to Zee. So, true to form, he found himself a map, a shotglass, and a lighter, and made the spell up as he went.

Other than a bit of smoke, and the tail of his coat getting lightly singed, he managed to make the trip in one piece, with the added benefit of shocking a few of the pedestrians in the area. More than a little smug with that, he dusted his coat off and headed into the building towards Zee, sensing the other magician long before he saw her.
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|05:17 pm]
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Who: Zatanna, Stephen and Arabella
What: OMG we have a daughter??
When: The other day
Where: Their place

Arabella was trapped all inside this stupid thing, some kind of metaphysical booby trap for unwanted visitors. And her parents didn't recognize her and she'd gone back in time. Fantastic. She waved her hand, and the cage vanished, since she could have done that all along. She just didn't want to get in trouble.

Then she waited for her parents to get home and try and figure this whole thing out. This was going to be... fun at the very least.
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