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[Dec. 31st, 2009|09:35 pm]
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WHO: Sereda and Alistair
WHAT: Celebrating New Year's, Fereldan style
WHERE: Wherever they bloody well feel like it!
WARNINGS: With these two, anyone's guess. Likely nothing major.

After the fourth person had wished her a happy new year, Sereda had gotten the hint. She'd gotten back to their flat before Alistair and done a little research. She'd see what he might be up for when he arrived home.

Home. Their home. It still sort of made her giddy inside that she was sharing quarters with him that weren't a tent. Once she'd bought them a proper bed, well. Most mornings, it was a struggle for either of them to leave it.
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[Dec. 24th, 2009|01:03 am]
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WHO: Sereda and Zevran
WHAT: Either working stuff out or major angst or both. Haven't decided.
WHERE: Sereda and Alistair's flat, London
WARNINGS: Not sure, will update if need be.

After she and Alistair had raided and sold the New York flat the other day, Sereda had found herself with decent clothes (too many skirts, though) and a little bit of actual furniture. They'd salvaged a proper bed and two chairs from that flowered nightmare (hideous knitted flowers everywhere!), and were in the process of getting a bit of cash from selling it all.

The very first thing Sereda had invested in was what the shopgirl had called a "punching bag." It was therapeutic, to say the least. She was giving the heavy thing a royal workout when a knock at the door sounded.
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[Dec. 19th, 2009|12:36 am]
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[Current Mood |restless]

WHO: Sereda and Alistair
WHAT: Meeting up
WHERE: Central Park, New York City
WHEN: Nowish
WARNINGS: Doubt it. Alistair's a wuss. ;)

Sereda stood awkwardly in an open expanse of green, arms across her chest. She had no weapon, no armor - and there were either no darkspawn or she had lost the ability to sense them. How would she defend herself if the occasion arose?

At least the field had good sight lines; there were few trees and a hard sort of walkway. If someone was coming, she'd be able to see them for miles before they got close.
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