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[Jun. 23rd, 2011|10:50 am]

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Who: Elena Gilbert & Sage
What: Meeting for the first time sort of.
Where: At the restaurant Elena works at.
When: Sometime after this conversation.
Why: Because he knows her and she needs a friend.
Warnings: Possible swearing?

Elena's life had always been confusing )
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[Jun. 22nd, 2011|10:26 pm]
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WHO: Annie and Sage
WHAT: "Are you stalking me?"
WHERE: Outside Annie's culinary school in London
WARNINGS: Annie has a potty mouth. Possible demon innuendo.

You know, I'm armed. )
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[Jun. 18th, 2011|11:07 pm]
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Who: Damien and Sage
When: Night
Where: Thorn Manor
What: Giving some blood


So the question of the hour remains, exactly how does some Antichrist blood taste to a vampire? )
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