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[Aug. 3rd, 2008|01:40 pm]

Who: Jonathan Eckert and Open
What: Free Drinks, Meetings
When: Sunday evening and night
Where: New York, at the Portkey, a Bar and restaurant near New York's portkey.
Warnings/Rating: None so far
Notes: Post is open to multiple threads. Slowtime is likely. Tag Jonathan if you like, or just post someone in with OPEN in the subject bar, and tag each other.

It was another night in New York City... )
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[Jun. 18th, 2008|04:46 pm]

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[Current Location |internet cafe]

Who: Sonya Blade and Jonathan Eckert
When: noonish (back dated June 17)
Where: meeting at an internet cage
What: casual lunch meeting
Warnings: maybe some cursing

It was almost a shock, finding herself in a spartan-like  apartment by herself, when for almost a year she lived in a palace with Shang Tsung, the servants, guards, assassins. She changed  out of the rich, silk clothes  she arrived in and  now in more comfortable blue jean trousers, blouse, and her hair pulled back in a tail, she felt more at ease than she'd ever been back home.

Sonya managed to find the internet cafe easily enough, the mile walk nothing like the daily five miles she ran every day to keep fit. She stepped inside, taking a seat at a small table while she looked around for Eckert.
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