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[Oct. 4th, 2012|08:31 pm]

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Who: Bill & CD
What: Introductions & booze!
Where: A little pub in London
When: Thursday night.
Warnings: Swearing and swagger.

Bill was glad to be wise to London's streets. While he only grew up there as a mortal child, and spent as precious little time there as possible in his adulthood and immortality, he had found a fondness for it in this reality. His family lived here, and his friends often found their way there. He was happy to talk to Cee and meet Qorra, and get himself situated with busywork, to keep himself from going utterly up the wall with boredom. And he met some new people.

It was amusing to Bill that no matter where, no matter when, there was always a thready undercurrent of a little infamous metal band in this reality. He was off to meet one of their Gears. It wasn't the first he'd met, and would certainly not be the last. He stepped into the pub just after dusk, wearing sunglasses over his hazel eyes, his sun-bleached brunet hair tied back into a low, short ponytail at the nape of his neck. He wore casual clothes - a collared shirt under a black leather jacket, and a pair of jeans over a pair of well-worn leather boots. Bill looked more like a rock star than any form of pirate or bookish priest, but he always prided himself on being able to blend.

He found CD easily and slid into a seat, ordering two rounds with a single motion of his hand to the bartender. "I hope you don't mind," he said, his voice raspy but warm and pleasant, well traveled and mostly British by nature, "if I buy the first round, mate."
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