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[Oct. 14th, 2008|12:53 am]
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Who: Mary Sloane and Doc Scurlock
When: Now
Where: Her place
What: Sex and lots of it.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: See the What
Status: In progress

He was taking Denver's advice... )
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[Aug. 28th, 2008|06:32 pm]
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Who: Doc Scurlock and Mary Shannon
What: Meeting, helping him adjust
When: Today
Where: Somewhere in New York
Warnings: TBD

After Mary told Doc that she'd be out to find him, she grabbed up whatever she needed and headed out of her apartment. It was much different then where she used to live, and more importantly, much quieter. With no mother and no sister to constantly get her into trouble, and even no Marshall, she had found herself out of sync with everything.

At the very least now she could help out this guy out, after all she was a US Marshal. So she headed down to where he said he was and looked around for a guy totally out of place with everything around him.
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