Under the Rainbow - Logs community - July 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 20th, 2011

[Jul. 20th, 2011|02:56 pm]


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Who: Henry Tudor and Gabriella Montez
What: Finally getting to some hanging threads.
Where: Their shared condo.
When: Shortly after the birth of Charles & Jane's daughter.
Warnings: Quite possibly none, actually.

Preoccupation )
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[Jul. 20th, 2011|07:56 pm]
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WHO: Uzza and Lakshmi
WHAT: Lakshmi's reappearance
WHERE: Toshima Island, then the jungles in Kerala, India
WARNINGS: Flirting, smooching. Nothing major.
NB: Lakshmi's mun is a derp and said Rajasthan, but there are no jungles in Rajasthan! So please read Kerala for Rajasthan since I can't really go back and change it.

( I liked when we kissed )
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[Jul. 20th, 2011|08:29 pm]
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WHO: Sebastian and Varric
WHAT: Male gossip?
WHERE: Varric's estate in California
WARNINGS: Probably nothing.

Comparisons )
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