Under the Rainbow - Logs community - February 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 13th, 2009

[Feb. 13th, 2009|01:02 am]
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Who: Sebastian Valmont and his charming sister, Kathryn.
What: Sorting out their dilemma
Where: Manhattan, NYC
When: This evening
Warnings: TBA
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[Feb. 13th, 2009|11:08 am]


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Who: Elaine and Sparhawk...and NPC midwife
What: Childbirth!
Where: Their home
When: Sometime in the coming week
Warnings: not many. Unless Childbirth squicks you.

Elaine couldn't sleep, so she had gotten up and went into the kitchen for water and a piece of bread, getting up carefully so as not to startle her husband. She'd been aching since before she went to bed, her back and legs just hurting, and since she was pregnant, unable to take anything for it. The warming spells her husband cast on the area helped but not enough.

She was tired out, as if she hadn't been to sleep at all. After a sip of water and a bite of bread, she found that she was no longer hungry or thirsty. She paced, rubbing the small of her back.

Almost unconsciously, she began to breathe as the midwife taught her, and minutes slipped away. The next pain had to come before she realized that she was in labor. She gasped as if she'd been hit and bent over, hands on her hips, breathing and concentrating.

"Sparhawk?" she murmured, knowing that he'd hear her even in sleep. He would hear that her voice was rather...strained.
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[Feb. 13th, 2009|08:57 pm]
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Who: Raven and Navi
What: Pre-Valentine's Day Romance. Fluff. Okay, a proposal. Blame commercialism.
When/Where: Tonight, PST, Raven's place in British Columbia
Warnings: Saccharine overload? Romance. Clichés. Beware!

Patience is a virtue. Thankfully for Raven, he wasn't exactly a virtuous kind of god. )
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