Under the Rainbow - Logs community - December 14th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 14th, 2008

[Dec. 14th, 2008|12:40 am]
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Who: Henn and Soren
Where: Switzerland, again.
When: Now-ish, maybe earlier
Why: Just 'cos.
Warnings: probable.

It had been a long day at work. Well, it had been a normal-length shift, but with half the dancers out sick with food poisoning along with the two best waitresses, AND an unexpected convention in town that had nowhere else to go after the community center closed up early due to a power outage, it had seemed longer than usual.

Henn wasn't as buzzed as she usually was coming home from work, but she wasn't exhausted either. She never had caught just what the convention was for, but all of the participants had been hard to get a good bead on, but they were polite enough and didn't have difficult orders.

She had decided to walk up the block instead of just slipping out of the Backstage and directly into the house as usual, smiling as she dusted snow from her hair, toeing out of her shoes to leave them by the door, right in line where they were supposed to be.
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[Dec. 14th, 2008|11:58 am]


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WHO: Elle & Lindsey.
WHERE: Outside Veronica's apartment.
WHEN: Evening
STATUS: In Progress.
NOTE: This post may contain spoilers for Heroes season three.

Elle attempts to pwn Lindsey )
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[Dec. 14th, 2008|02:09 pm]
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Who: Adriel and Cassie
What: Partly fluffy with an 100% chance for NSFW-ness. (And me, writing the girl? Madness)
When/Where: Backdated to last night after Cassie's post, a hotel in Tokyo
Warnings: Yes. NSFW-ness in icons and anything linked in comments or post.

Cassie hadn't been teasing about being busy, at least not in the way that Adriel was probably expecting. She was in the bathroom, door closed (the one sign of privacy she did still expect Adriel to maintain), 'getting cleaned up' just like she'd said. Despite the occasional gasp or little squeak, she was fully dressed when the door opened, smiling a sweet and altogether too-innocent-to-believe smile at her best friend, leaning against the door way.

"Did you get the food? I'm starving," He was probably a little disappointed to see her more interested in the food than him, but the anticipation was half the fun, and he would be getting his surprise eventually.
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[Dec. 14th, 2008|08:14 pm]
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Who: Kitty and Piotr
What: A little scare
Where: Kitty's little apartment
Rating: TBD

Awkward fun )
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[Dec. 14th, 2008|08:50 pm]
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Who: Nathaniel Quinn, Satriel, and Rain, with a possible cameo by some of Rain's memories?
What: Getting their drink on. Angel disapproval, and accusations of deception. A Saturday night.
When/Where: Backdated to last night, Rain's flat in London.
Warnings: Possible swearing, and alcohol consumption, but none if Satriel can prevent it. He's a prude.

Nathaniel, the whiskey, and a surly angel-presence appeared at Rain's door just shortly after the conversation had ended. The man they had replaced appeared to be something of a lush, and they had the Wild Turkey on hand. Satriel had done his best to guilt the priest into refusing the temptation, but he seemed to be losing the battle tonight.

"Commisseration is part of my function, same as yours, you old Prude. Leave it be," It still shocked Satriel, how quickly their conversations had devolved in this place, from respectful meetings of minds to common bickering, and he made that known with a feeling, which only made Nathaniel's frown deepen. "Well, perhaps that's thanks to the lack of social interaction, in which case, this is a Godsend," Yes, he used the phrase just to get a rise out of Satriel, and hopefully annoy him into silence. It seemed to work, as he raised a hand to knock.

"Rain? It's Nathaniel," He opened the door as instructed, looking around as he let himself inside.
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